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Showing posts with label hard failures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hard failures. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Get Back On Your HORSE [fast enough] !

Get Back On Your HORSE [fast enough] !

Everyone falls from the horse's saddle.  Who does not fall down anyway ?  In life, we fall multiple times, some of which are minor falls while some are 'HARD FALLS' and for the most unfortunate ones, sometimes that hard fall even becomes a fatal or tragic one.  But unless those falls are either fatal or tragic, what else is expected from us ?  Obviously, we gotta GET BACK ON OUR HORSE [fast enough].
Don't get me wrong, 'HARD FALLS' are not limited to failures.  In our cyclical lives, we could have heard of the difficult postpartum recoveries of moms.  So, while that is not comparable at all to real life failures, moms going through the challenges of postpartum would be clinging to family support structures and this is when our loved ones really play a singular role of uplifting them.
Falling down [even in a 'HARD FALL'], especially when you're perched from UP HIGH, is indeed a hard fall but a 'HARD FALL' is never the end of the world.  In school you might have gotten failing grades.  At work, you might have lost your job.  Or your relationship with your partner just ended so fast.  But however and whatever is the severity of your 'HARD FALL', it's never the time to raise the white flag because there always remains a GLIMMER of HOPE, no matter how faint those hopes are.

What's next after a 'HARD FALL' ?  Recovery follows and if you have to reboot things like powering on a laptop whose battery runs flat, so be it.  In truth and in fact, a REBOOT or a RESET is your best card of ace because just like when repowering your laptop, all the counters reset to zero.  There's just NOTHING to LOSE when you lost everything anyway.  BUT as long as you DON'T LOSE your will power to carry on and pick up the pieces.

True, you won't see happy faces around.  When you're down, you could end up with realizations.  A realization that not all friends are indeed genuine friends.  A realization that when you're down, there's hardly anyone you can cling on but yourself.  A realization that if you need to restart things all over again, you have to summon anything and everything that is left in you.
In fact, if you can downplay things, just do it.  Take that hard fall as just akin to slipping past banana peels.  And if you keep that 'banana peels' mindset, each time you fail or fall, you won't waste time being back on your feet again [although deep inside, you could still feel wobbly or weak].  But who else will boost you BUT YOU ❗❗❗

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