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Showing posts with label People Have Long Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Have Long Memories. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2023

People Have Long Memories

People Have Long Memories

Yes folks, People Have Long Memories but this is NOT meant with any undertone BUT simply to highlight the mysteries of our MEMORY and how it impacts our life.  Till now, many mysteries of our MEMORY remains as a mystery. How are our MEMORY gets encoded within the neurons of our brain?  How distributed in our brain are the cells that ENCODE a given MEMORY? And HOW does our brain activity correspond to HOW we experience MEMORIES?  How MEMORIES are formed, stored and recalled, all these are puzzles that will never end confusing the typical layman like us.  BUT that's NOT our concern.  Our thread today focuses on the value of our LONG MEMORIESπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Indeed, there's no one place within our brain that holds all of our MEMORIES.  Scientists confirm that the different areas of our BRAIN form and store different kinds of MEMORIES and different processes.  Our emotional responses such as FEAR does reside in one specific region of our BRAINMEMORIES related to skills are associated with a different region of our BRAIN.  And another BRAIN region is crucial for forming, retaining and recalling declarative MEMORIES✅✅✅

So where does all our awareness of our BRAIN's MEMORY lead us to?  For practical reasons, let us ask ourselves?  Should I be more mindful in my interaction with others?  Should I minimize, where possible, unpleasant things in life?  Can I encourage more positive human experiences?  So HOW, WHEN and WHERE can I influence my own behavior more to my positive advantage❓❓❓

Given all these, does it make sense that we should cherish and treasure all the BEST things happening in our daily life?  It is being "IN THE MOMENT" and NOT distracted by either the past or the future.  Like these two little girls, they are in the midst of enjoying their "IN THE MOMENT" situation, oblivious that one of their BRAIN's regions is starting to store those bits and pieces of their ongoing "IN THE MOMENT" situationπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

On the other hand, let's face it, there are various INEVITABLES in life, especially those unpleasant moments and just to be up front to you, one of our BRAIN's regions will be storing those INEVITABLES. And as we move on in our daily regimen in life, our awareness of that "HUGE" capacity of our BRAIN's various regions to store all our past should encourage us to endeavor being a STEP AHEAD given people's LONG MEMORIES πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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