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Showing posts with label Sifting Through The Noise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sifting Through The Noise. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2023

Sifting Through The Noise

Sifting Through The Noise

Today, regardless your age, gender, culture or work/occupation, let's face it, even if you DON'T access social media, very likely, you did use it if NOT heavily.  And Sifting Through The Noise means we're able to extract and process contextually relevant information, and NOT end up with the FAKE NEWS.  Pitifully, while we know what FAKE NEWS is, how many of us have the tools to initiate a FACT CHECK?  Because that exactly is Sifting Through The NoiseπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

And like it or NOT, even the most stubborn and hesitant ones, they're now becoming the latest 'CONVERTS' in SLACKTIVISM, which Google defines as "that practice of supporting a cause either via social media or online petitions, characterized as involving VERY LITTLE effort or commitment.  Ironically, SLACKTIVISM adds up to all the The Noise we'd like to sift through.  Now, we have a 'ballgame', whew❗❗❗

With the advent of social media and our human tendencies to post ANYTHING and EVERYTHINGSifting Through The Noise has evolved to become a challenge as steep as the challenging slopes of Mount Everest.  But the bigger question looming over us is, how do we engage n social media?  As an avid blogger?  An FB aficionado with hundreds of friends?  A forum junkie?  A Twitter Re-twitter OR a lurker, reading and absorbing thoughts❓❓❓

Even good BUGS versus bad BUGS can mix up things.  It's either an application is getting BUGGY or literally, it may get related to baby strollers [as many refer to it as BUGGIES].  Where's the beef here?  It's because what is noise to one may be gold to another.  In short, CONTEXT IS KING here when determining the relevance of the myriad of information we're Sifting Through.  And when we relate all these to call centers, they even ended up with transcription services that convert calls to unstructured texts.  And very obviously, even in the business world, that adds up to MORE NOISE❎❎❎

So what's our FIX?  Numero uno, you need to assess the volume of noise that you are Sifting Through.  If its a high volume one, that is way too much for you to handle and it can CONSUME YOU and EAT YOU up.  Numero dos, once you have assessed the volume of NOISE, cut it down to a manageable one.  You DON'T one to end up Sifting Through The Noise 24x7.  Numero tres, CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES when Sifting Through The NoiseπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

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