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Showing posts with label Rebound and Recover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebound and Recover. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Reset, Rebound and Recover


Today's 3 R's: Reset, Rebound and Recover

There used to be a ‘Great Divide’ between the first world countries versus the third world but that has instantly dissipated in one fell swoop. It doesn't matter if you are fin the United States, in Brazil, in India or practically anywhere else. The past six [6] months and till to date, the world is at a standstill, all because of this global pandemic.

Per CNBC, sixteen thousand [16,000 and still counting] commercial plans have been grounded to date. 99% of all global fleets are literally grounded. The highly profitable Carnival Cruise business of the Arison Clan has lost $4.4 Billion because of covid. Airports are effectively deserted. Stocks at the New York Stock Exchange [NYSE] have taken a deep plunge the past two [2] quarters. We can go on with these travails and woes, we’re not sure if this litany will end soon enough.

Quo vadis? Where are you going? Where are we going? Hmmmmm, at this point, the only absolute certainty is that we are all going down in a deep tailspin akin to that deep plunge of an airborne plane that plunges from 30,000 feet down to 3,000 feet in a few minutes. With that certainty, what else can we do?

Go back to basics, that is. In the old school, we used to call it learning the 3 R’s, Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. In this pandemic we are all locked in, we got to grapple with the 3 R’s of the new normal, namely, RESET, REBOUND and RECOVER.

RESET is, simply put, akin to powering off and re-powering on again, shutting off the engine and restarting it, rebooting your laptop all over again. Why RESET? RESET releases all the resources used up to date by either the engine, the machine or even your laptop. And when it gets re-powered, it reacquires the resources in a more efficient manner. In our lives, RESET will mean, figuratively, going back to ‘Square 1’, the starting block , the takeoff point. Resetting in our lives mean you get disentangled with everything, setting you free for the restart.

REBOUND is positioning yourself for that upward trajectory after your life hits rock bottom. Rebounding encompasses your life top to bottom. Rebounding means you position yourself, ready to take that direction, that upward trajectory.

RECOVERY is the real dough, this is the beef. At this point, you put into action all your plans, concretizing your countermeasures and recovery plan towards rebuilding life, recovering your life that got tattered and disheveled to date.

What will it take for one to RESET, REBOUND and RECOVERY? If you have seen cars which can’t start because the battery got drained, it is that bad. If you have seen families going almost penniless because of this pandemic, it is that disheartening. If you have heard of people you know losing their lives because of this Covid, it is that heart-stabbing. Worst scenarios like this would lead us with very little options limited to CPR [Cardioplumonary resuscitation].

At the end of the day, challenge yourself as regards the direction you are taking, if there is a direction you have in the first place. Let me piggy-back on this truism: ‘Recovery is not a race. You don’t have to feel guilty if it takes you longer than you thought it would’.

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