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Showing posts with label Be Cautious of Assumptions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be Cautious of Assumptions. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Are We HARD WIRED With Assumptions?

Are We HARD WIRED With Assumptions?

Short story here:  A college student dated a classmate in college.  Went for dinner, had a few drinks, interacted well and thought he was having a 'GREAT CONNECTION' with the girl.  When it was getting late, they called it a night BUT before parting, he went for that 'GOODNIGHT KISS' but was stopped cold.  The girl was emphatic that that WASN'T happening.  Are We HARD WIRED With Assumptions❓❓❓

The truth and the fact is, many things in our life end up awry all because of ASSUMPTIONS GONE WRONG.  Our human frailty is making ASSUMPTIONS about something and then, accepting it as TRUE without actually finding PROOF.  We human beings are just naturally hard wired this way, mostly due to 'safety reasons'.  Imagine if we saw a scary looking biker standing in a dark alley.  We'd probably ASSUME that that person was dangerous so you'd stay away.  BUT do we realize that making ASSUMPTIONS can lead to some REAL PROBLEMS✅✅✅

Surely you'd agree that there are endless stories where ASSUMPTIONS would lead to more problems and headaches than it ever solves.  To hit the nail on its head, let's rattle off the many downsides of ending up with the wrong ASSUMPTIONS.  On a first-hand basis, let me share a reverse ASSUMPTION.  When I moved to a new company, I wanted to bring along our Network Specialist but he was hesitant and doubtful because he thought he WON'T fit. Fast-forward, when I recommended him, he got hired and signed off a job offer with a 600% salary increase compared to his existing salary at that time.  This is REVERSE ASSUMPTION❗❗❗

Now, for that 'KNOCKOUT PUNCH' that will floor you down with the WRONG ASSUMPTIONs.  Taking action based upon ASSUMPTIONS seems like the sure-fire way to make a bad decision.  After all, you got to realize that you're NOT working with all the FACTS so your next decision will likely doom you💊💊💊

Oh yes, I've met a lot of people who have many places they're wanting to go but they NEVER did because they perceive travelling as dangerous.  In some Third World countries, they tightened the immigration rules such that travelers had to be scrutinized.  Talking about old age, many septuagenarians and octogenarians refuse to travel because of OLD AGE ?!@#$ In our home, my 76-year old father-in-law has been in tow with us in all our overseas travels [even prior to the pandemic].  He simply defied ASSUMPTIONS.  So, if we're HARD WIRED with ASSUMPTIONS, CUT THAT CRAP📗📙📘

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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