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Showing posts with label Anger Is One Letter Away from DANGER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anger Is One Letter Away from DANGER. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Anger Is One Letter Away from 'DANGER

Anger Is One Letter Away from 'DANGER'

Wake up every morning, turn on any gadget to watch and view news streaming worldwide and you would see our global village littered with 'ANGER'. Be it the raging Russian war in Ukraine, the actions by extremist Islamists in the Middle East or even the 'saber rattling' in the South China Sea between China and Taiwan.  Voila, there is 'ANGER' all over the place, seriously.  And why do we think the situations in Ukraine and elsewhere have become dangerous?  It's because Anger Is just One Letter Away from 'DANGER

And who are we quoting with this one-liner? No less than the respected ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, the U.S. First Lady during the term of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said that:  Anger Is One Letter Away from 'DANGER.  Indeed it is.  And this is were ANGER MANAGEMENT really comes into the picture.  Studies have shown that eight percent of adolescents display ANGER issues that qualify for lifetime diagnoses of intermittent explosive disorder.  BTW, ANGER issues aren't limited to teens and it's important that we understand anger symptoms, causes and effects if you suspect you are in that ANGER predicament.

It also helps that we dig dipper into that ANGER problem if we perceive that that indeed exists.  Individuals who have trouble controller ANGER or who experience ANGER outside of a normal emotional scope can present with different types of ANGER disorders.  Unfortunately, experts have presented  contradicting lists of ANGER types.  If we start rattling down the most common types of ANGER, you will be surprised, it's a long list

If you had prolonged ANGER, that's CHRONIC.  If your ANGER does not always come across, that could be PASSIVE ANGER.  If your ANGER is at times too much for you to cope, that's OVERWHELMED ANGER.  When your ANGER is directed to yourself, that's SELF-INFLICTED ANGER.  And when that ANGER is directed towards others, that's JUDGMENTAL ANGER.  And when your ANGER includes spontaneous excessive, that's VOLATILE ANGER.  Unfortunately, there is no best choice from this long list of ANGER types.  And your only choice is to improve your ANGER MANAGEMENT.
At the end of the day, all we dream of is blissful and peaceful day-to-day living, shielded from any shades of Anger as it drains and zaps you.  We have more important things to plot out and achieve in life and ANGER is NOT one of them because that's never part of our long list of priorities and not even the tail-ender.

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