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Showing posts with label Is Your Regression A Blip or A Warning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is Your Regression A Blip or A Warning. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Is Your Regression A Blip or A Warning?

Is Your Regression A Blip or A Warning?

Is REGRESSION worth our 'talking point' today?  Yesirrrs this is very much worth it because everyone of us [and with NO exception] would experience REGRESSION at some point[s] in one's life.  If you are a consistent A-Lister in school, surely there are academic terms when your grades will skid.  At work, you may be a real workforce but there will be points where your performance will dip.  In your relationship with your spouse/partner, we cannot deny that there were moments in the past when one or both partners were NOT giving it all in their relationship.  So then, the ask is: Is Your Regression A Blip or A Warning❓❓❓
This is NOT a statistical blog but it behooves that we DON'T overlook [or IGNORE] that CORRELATION versus REGRESSION.  But again, this gets a bit complex because the experts claim that there are two kinds of REGRESSION, namely CONSCIOUS versus UNCONSCIOUS.  And since REGRESSION is a common phenomenon that occurs most often under stress, we all go through it but unconsciously thoughπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
When an executive feels stuck on a problem, they might REGRESS to infant behavior, even sucking and chewing their pen down to the cartridge.  When a spouse feels neglected, they REGRESS by throwiing a tantrum and threatening to take somethin away.  A freshman college student misses home and REGRESSES by cuddling with her childhood Teddy Bear.  Now, since this coping mechanism is so prevalent, we might as well consciously embrace and direct REGRESSION to our benefit.  Whether you breath work, consciously going back to high impact moments that influence how you behave can help⏳⏳⏳
if you perceive or observe some pattern or behavior you want to change, challenge yourself.  Is that a BLIP or just a WARNING?  If it seems just an outlier and a BLIP at that, that's fine, you can sweep it under the carpet.  BUT if that BLIP happens over and over again, hey that isn't a BLIP anymore, not an outlier.  That calls for an incisive NEXT MOVEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
What happens then if such REGRESSION does not seem to be a BLIP anymore?  Next move is for us to FIX the problem.  If there is more a psychological issue that triggers that REGRESSION, so be it, find a FIX for that.  If your work was sloppy last month and today it became sloppier, you may need to seek professional help to figure out what's ailing you, if at all, and how to FIX it.  I've seen people REGRESS and they simply shrugged off their shoulder and claim it's a BLIP, not until that REGRESSION becomes chronic enough.  By that time, TOO LITTLE TOO LATE is NOT even a FIX anymore✅✅✅

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