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Showing posts with label downtime and uptime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downtime and uptime. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Downtime = Uptime?

Downtime = Uptime?

Does Downtime equate to Uptime?  Me thinks that way from a specific perspective.  And I'm referring to planned DOWNTIMEs.  That explains why all infrastructures with sound management would always include scheduled preventive maintainance a.k.a. DOWNTIME.  If machines and infrastructures need DOWNTIME, we humans are entitled to it as wellπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

'Tis true, we all know that just leaving our work premises DOESN'T stop our mind from racing.  Our brains just happen to be constantly working BUT there's a huge difference between the kind of work we do for money and the way our brains work to support us in our daily lives.  This explains why all experts say that DOWNTIME is crucial to a balanced life and a productive workplaceπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

So, the bigger question is HOW do we make that tough switch once you call it a day at work?  And WHAT activities should you try to give yourself a break?  Experts tell us that the answers lie in neuroscience.  So, WHAT do experts tell us as regards the impact to our brain WHEN we get stressed at work?  WHAT's tricky here is that when we need some DOWNTIME, how can that possibly be if neuroscience tells us that our brain is NEVER NOT WORKING [even when we're asleep]πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Let's look at real-life scenarios like scrolling through Instagram, chatting with a friend, and taking time for your hobbies all require brainpower BUT here's WHAT experts are intervening.  They can also your brain rest from work because the required effort is different.  They advise us that intentionally taking BRAIN BREAKS from work can help our brains do the repairing and restorative activities it needs to do that will ultimately help us function betterπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Our takeaway:  WHAT the neuro-scientists are telling us is that a real DOWNTIME is a 'TRUE BREAK' where there is an absence of responsibility and the pressure of DUE DATES and TIMELINES.  BUT we know that the truth is, it's NOT an easy time to carve out BUT it's necessary to have some time in your day WHEN you're NOT thinking about WHAT needs to be done.  And HOW you spend the time you have in that zone is up to you.  YES, DOWNTIME=UPTIMEπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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