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Showing posts with label Once You PIVOT.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Once You PIVOT.... Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023

Once You PIVOT...

Once You PIVOT...

To PIVOT has been more common to hear within the sports world but to PIVOT is really happening more in our real life way beyond just the sports world.  So when You PIVOT, it means one deviates from the plan itself and generally, the most common reason to PIVOT is to either accelerate or hasten the way towards a goal or to hurdle a hump that could be a 'show stopper'πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

An analogy is the approved flight plan of all aircraft way before it takes off for its flight.  And as a ground rule, deviation is NOT a given but the pilots need to secure approvals before deviating.  To deviate is to PIVOT but the challenge here is that to PIVOT is not like a 'walk in the park' because to PIVOT, there are consequences and ramifications which often times, DON'T surface early on✅✅✅

Swinging back to basketball, Once You PIVOT, that is never part of the original game plan but the bench tacticians would give the on-court players the leeway as a workaround [when one either 'hits a wall' or potentially about 'to hit one'].  Question is, what if one does NOT PIVOT, does NOT deviate?  There is that likelihood that that player up front could end up 'hitting a wall'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

You could ask me straight in my face:  Have I PIVOTED yet?  Yes I did pivot and I did pivot many times in my life.  NOT because I am fickle-minded.  NOT because I am NOT a good planner and executioner of my own plans.  NOT because I am vulnerable to factors that tend to bamboozle me with my plans.  NOT because I plan things poorly.  BUT in all of the times I did PIVOT, it was the best way to go in executing my planπŸ“—πŸ“—πŸ“—

So when we PIVOT, here are the triggers.  IF your existing plan MAY likely fail.  IF your current situation seems to be iffy.  IF your current options are giving the tell-tale signs that you will end up off-tracked.  IF maintaining the STATUS QUO is NOT the best way to go for you.  At the end of the day, you may have to grab the bull by its horns when making a JUDGMENT CALLπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

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