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Showing posts with label reading the tea leaves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading the tea leaves. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2023

Reading The TEA LEAVES

Reading The TEA LEAVES

Reading The TEA LEAVES is something I heavily hesitate to venture or explore simply because 'Teaf Leaf Reading' a.k.a. TASSEOLOGY is a fortune-telling method that uses tea residue on the bottom of the cup to predict what the future will bring [to the tea drinker].  Then, after drinking the tea, the residue on the bottom of the cup forms different shapes or symbols , each of which have distinct meanings and many ways to interpret them๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

To clear up a possible confusion that we are venturing into 'Tea Leaf Reading', NO sirrrrrrs, we WON'T.  Having said this, what we're harping is that in life, there are multiple instances when and where we tend to be in that 'Tea Leaf Reading' scenario.  If you're still a student in school, surely when you receive a failing grade in a subject, you WON'T get flabbergasted.  WHY?  Because expectedly, you should have taken the initiative to do 'Tea Leaf Reading' of your situation in school.  It's the same thing in the workplace.  WHY will you get shocked when you receive an HR Memo regarding a specific policy breach๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
In your relationships with your partner/spouse and even within your immediate family, once someone gives you the 'cold shoulder' the past days and weeks, would you attribute that to just 'mood swings'?  Genuine issues run deeper way beyond the surface and similar to the way the Tea Leaves will form at the bottom of the cup, genuine and real issues are buried deep down there.  Similarly in life, the most difficult issues we need to resolve could be buried deep beneath way beyond the surface and it requires more than just token effort to unearth such burning issues yet cloaked๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
So, here we are, egging everyone of us to seriously consider taking initiatives that run similar and analogous to Tea Leaf Reading because the reality is, we need to get into the realization that this is a DIY [Do It Yourself] solution that has no clear-cut formula to follow❎❎❎
In the workplace, our technical jargon for this is PREDICTIVE information, something that is akin to forecasting but based on a sheer combination of facts and assumptions.  Imagine your life ahead WHERE you just DON'T care less, WHERE you're fine with WYSIWYG [What You See Is What You Get].  But if it's NOT worth Reading The Tea Leaves, what else is worth❓❓❓

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Reading the Tea Leaves

                                                 Reading the Tea Leaves

๐Ÿ”“What's our worst fear?  Don't we fear most the unknown? Not knowing what's in store for us is indeed the worst variable in our life's puzzling equations.  But the $64 question is, should we get hostaged by the unknowns of what is yet to come?  Can't there be footprints in the sand which we can trace?  Can't we read the handwritings on the wall?  Can't we figure out reading the tea leaves?

Oh apologies, my intentions for now is NOT to lead you towards Tasseography, that fortune-telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves.

But instead, we'd like to lead you towards what is pragmatic and prudent all rolled into one because in layman's parlance, reading the tea leaves is akin to predicting the future based on 'small signs', those tell-tale signs which could give us a good feel of the trajectories to date.  Being aware of that trajectory is just so damn basic for us to be aware of because we gotta figure it out whether we are going upwards or downwards.

What lies ahead is non-negotiable unless you wanna throw in the towel and lose by default? This explains why fortune tellers and feng shui masters are swarming around us again when our calendars are about to flip over over again to another year.

But do we entrust our future to these 'hollowed' shakers and movers?  Why can't we piece things together then prepare for a Plan A and a Plan B?

Feel free to challenge me.  Why do we need to craft a Plan A and another Plan B as well.  Oh well, you need to consider scenario planning and in fact and in truth, for meticulous planners, having Plan A and Plan B is just scratching the surface.  Why?  Because there could be 3 or even more probable scenarios in the offing.  So, that really leads us to go and read those handwritings on the wall.  

With 2021 just around the corner, let me push you to the edges now.  Why don't you craft Plan A as the worst yet most probable scenario to loom?  Take this pandemic.  As to when the dust will settle down in this Covid-19 conundrum, only God knows.  Not even the health experts.  Not even CNN's Dr Sanjay Gupta.  So, shouldn't it make sense to anticipate that this pandemic will continue to hound us for the whole stretch of 2021.  Is that stretching things too far?  No sir.  Vaccines or no vaccines, I hate to say this but let's block off our calendars for another 3 to 4 quarters next year.  Not claiming to be a self-proclaimed Covid-19 expert, I'll bet that for now, it's like the buzzer sounded for the halftime break of our hoops game.  The coach and players just need to go back to their lockers and go back to the drawing board and plot out the final 2 quarters of the game based on all the humps they hit during the first half.  

C'mon, let's dip deeply into our capabilities to plot the plans for 2021.  Let's move forward.  Despite our doubts, our disbelief, our skepticism, our pessimism.  Those dark clouds hovering us now should nevertheless guide us in our next steps.  Let's look at things as a glass-full of crystal clear water.⏳

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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