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Showing posts with label How THANK YOU Matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How THANK YOU Matters. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2024

How THANK YOU Matters

How THANK YOU Matters

HOW THANK YOU MATTERS will keep us tied up the next 5 minutes or so BUT I hope that's the best utilized 5 minutes ever for us.  Oh, we were all taught to be courteous and say THANK YOU so, from our childhood all the way to our adulthood, saying THANK YOU was part and parcel of our demeanor, habits and character all rolled into one. Not so fast thoughπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Ironically, I'm starting to believe that THANK YOU is the most under-appreciated and under-used phrase in our life.  Yes it is appropriate in nearly any situation and it is a better response than most of the things we say.  Let's look back at the more common situations  when we say all sorts of things BUT should say THANK YOUπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Do we hear someone complimenting your attire and you retort, 'OH THIS IS ONE OF MY OLD STUFF IN MY CLOSET' instead of reacting like 'THANK YOU I'M GLAD YOU LIKE IT'.  OR when you played the best basketball and someone says "WOW YOUR 20 POINTS IS THE BEST' and you retort 'BUT I MISSED THAT 3-POINT SHOT' but there is something empowering about fully accepting a compliment.  WHEN you deflect praise, you CAN'T really own it.  And you just say THANK YOU, you let the weight of the compliment sink in and become yoursπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
In fact, saying THANK YOU gives your mind permission to be built up by the compliments you receive.  Getting compliments should be fun and enjoyable BUT we often ruin that rare of an experience.  It's just really needless to sabotage compliments that come your way.  Accept them with grace and enjoy the moment of course✅✅✅
Now, how many times did we arrive late in an event or engagement?  BTW, being late is the worst thing to happen.  It's more stressful for the person WHO is running late and it's more disrespectful to the person WHO is waiting.  It might seem strange to THANK someone for dealing with your hassle, right?  BUT that's exactly the correct response.  Most people stumble in the door and say "SORRY I'M LATE".  Problem with that response is that it makes the situation 'ABOUT YOU'.  Saying THANK YOU turns the tables around and acknowledges the sacrifice the other person made for waiting❌❌❌

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