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Showing posts with label All Hands on Deck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Hands on Deck. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2022

When All Hands Are On Deck

When All Hands Are On Deck

How often do we hear our leaders declare that All Hands Are On Deck?  Well, it does not happen everyday but when it does, what does it mean to us?  And obviously, the bigger question is:  WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?  But that is a question crafted for you and not for anyone else to answer.  What is at stake?  What do I gain?  What dividends will I reap?  And WHAT IF I don't lift my finger at all?

Definitely, there will be too many WHAT IFs
not because your mindset is synchronized either within your family or your organization but moreso because this equation contains one too many variables such that the results can swing as wild as the pendulum does and if you leave your own fate to that pendulum that swings, one too many WHAT IFs can lead to one too many UNKNOWNs in life.

So, when we hear marching orders like All Hands Are On Deck, what does this really mean?  Simply put, it means that either your family or organization has reached a point of reckoning where everyone needs to pitch in because not even fractions of the organization can take matters into its own hands.
Years back, my global boss sent his marching orders for us to fly to our Silicon Valley Headquarters because it was All Hands On Deck.  Long story short, two years later. our organization was part of a huge M & A [Merger and Acquisition] in the technology space and looking back, I realized flying all the way to the US was our RECKONING POINT.
What does this mean to us if at all?  Never miss that opportunity to be an integral part when All Hands Are On Deck because whether the boat sinks or survives, you will always be part of that success or undoing.  The worst thing to happen in life is when you skip and ignore things by looking the other way around.  IF that happens, that will be your UNDOING that will be most regrettable❗❗❗

Sunday, January 9, 2022

All Hands on Deck

❗❗❗❗❗❗❗All Hands on Deck

Can't be denied now. It's All Hands on Deck.  The once sturdy boat we were all onboard has been hit with leaks, with water seeping in even as it is slowly tilting towards capsizing.  But this is not the time yet to trigger a Mayday Call as long as the global village remains in full control.  All it takes now is for All Hands on Deck.

Quoting these latest CNN numbers, there are close to 305 million Covid cases with the United States and Western Europe alarmingly in the RED.  If yourr country happens to be in the ORANGE alert, this is no time for complacency either.  Even my daughter's school declared a week-long Health Break this coming week.  As for myself, my barometer of our Covid pandemic are the number of company-announced bereavements which is now averaging close to one death per day.

This global pandemic has destroyed all the barriers that separate the First World versus the Third World.  Regardless of culture and even religion, we are now twenty-two months since this became a full-blown pandemic way back March 2020.  And when we let loose our guard during the Christmas Holidays, Lady Covid came back with a vengeance, swathing her sword across us all.  This is our WAKE CALL, in fact.

If you're still stretching the new year holidays or if you're on an extended break, it's time to cut and cut clean now, pronto.  Let us NOT be like the Roman Emperor Nero who continued to fiddle with his violin while Rome was afire and burning.  The scariest truth we want to avoid is if this Covid pandemic breaches the 50% positive rate [which our local tabloid confirmed today].

This book by Grant and Amanda McIntyre struck me hard because Grant McIntyre was touted as the sickest ever Covid patient reported.  While average hospital stays in the UK was pegged at 8 days, McIntyre spent more than four months.  His is an untold story of someone who, in the middle of his Covid ordeals, had a kidney failure and a collapsed lung, among others.  Oooops, I'm sorry I am not here to pre-empt you with this heroic story but I'm sharing this to magnify the fact that the survival rate [if we were in the situation of Grant McIntyre] will be less than 1%.  To accentuate how society can quickly adapt to the intensity of a situation, during that first wave of this pandemic way back March 2020, do we know that the manufacturers of the ventilators in the UK were Ferrari & Mercedes.  
BTW, what we are now witnessing is only the tip of the iceberg, whew. When the world will declare that it has finally clamped down with this pesky pandemic, let's tighten our seatbelts because what comes next will be the global depression, where all economies are literally depressed and for the economies to rebound, governments need to do a lot of articificial pump-priming to get back the sick man that we are now, back on our feet.  For now, it's ALL HANDS ON DECK ❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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