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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Stop the Bleeding


Stop the Bleeding !

Were you got bruised? gashed? gored? That should be the least of your worries. But what if there's that unabated bleeding? hemorrhage? spurt? Ohgeeee, that is fatal, pull all stops before the game gets over.

In the boxing ring, besides the boxer, the highest paid role player in the ring is the cutman. For the best pound for pound boxers, they will pick the best cutman they want to be with them for thirty six [36] minutes equivalent for a cool USD one million paycheck! That's how critical the role of the cutman in the ring, in fact, in between rounds because if there is unabated bleeding, first things things, Mr. Cutman has got to stop the bleeding at all cost.

In life, when you're down, you need to figure it out VERY QUICKLY if you're into a bleeding situation or if it's just a bruise. And if you are unable to discern if that's something fatal or not, tilt on the safe side, take it as veering towards a fatal one, so you got to pull all the stops, whatever it takes.

But before anything else, you got to be calm and in control of things. There's no way you can wiggle out of that potential fatal situation unless you restore sanity within yourself.

This is the hard lesson all of us have surely went through. Especially getting hit hard in your most unguarded moments, those times when you [wrongly] told yourself: 'Hey dude, keep it cool, you'll be fine'. In many other regrettable blunders in life, we [wrongly] thought that there's still a tomorrow, there's a lease of life right at the palm of our hands.

At the end of the day, always take the balancing act. As John Wooden said, 'Be quick but don't hurry'.

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