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Showing posts with label Does Opinion of Others Matter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Does Opinion of Others Matter. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Does Opinion of Others Matter?

Does Opinion of Others Matter?

I've known people close enough WHO were like in a recurring STATE of STUPOR simply because they got kind of "PARALYZED" or stalled to make a decision OR to take a concrete action simply because they continue to weigh the OPINION of others.  Nothing wrong to listen to others' OPINIONS but for your decisions OR actions to get stalled because of others' OPINIONs is a NO-NO💵💴💷

But here's a WHAT IFWHAT IF the OPINION of others are hurtful and/or harmful?  That ugly tail will start to weave you out of your logical and/or practical senses.  Now, the reality is, sometimes, we really DON'T want to care WHAT others think or say about us.  And sometimes, we do succeed at that.  Sadly, more often than NOT, we fail.  Even one completely ridiculous and untrue OPINION that borders more of being rubbish or thrash does hurt📗📙📘

Though most of us [and that includes moi] would deny it, people's OPINIONS do matter to us.  WHY?  Simple.  Because people matter.  BUT there is one study that equates others' OPINION = PAIN and somehow I agree, literally it is a PAIN.  Think of the SOCIAL PAIN we've been enduring, caused by bullying [especially cyber bullying these days], rejection, breakups.  And when you factor in SOCIAL MEDIA, those tons and tons of UNSOLICITED OPINIONS would come in like an unabated avalanche during the harsh winters❗❗❗

Now let's face it and admit it, some of us [and I was guilty of this too several times in the past], to avoid that PAIN coming from others' OPINIONS, become people pleasers.  Kow-towing, personality-less-yes-men and women who give other human beings too much power, treating them like GODS or Semi-GODS.  Others go to the opposite extreme though, locking up their hearts, pulling out their masks of meanness and cynicism, looking down on human beings as either stupid, narrow-minded, worthless creatures whose thoughts are worth NO more than those of a cockroach.  But personally, me thinks that this kind of mindset is a stretch, seriously✅✅✅

Many of us, though, alternate between looking at those opinions as either coming from GODS or cockroaches.  BUT be forewarned that without being ill-intentioned, sometimes, OPINIONS of others could end up as a POISON.  Sometimes, the wrong words have killed more dreams than self-doubt ever will.  Just a word is ENOUGH to bring you away from one's desires.  High performers NEVER react to WHAT people say.  WHY?  Because their mental belief acts as a shield to protect their dreams where they are focused.  Now, DOES OPINION OF OTHERS MATTER❓❓❓

Straight from my thought processes...

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