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Showing posts with label regain control of your life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label regain control of your life. Show all posts

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Have You Cratered Yet ?

 Have You Cratered Yet ?

This piece is not about Elon Musk's SpaceX Project.  It's more about us, ourselves.  Have you felt you have cratered ?  Hitting rock bottom ?  It's never incorrect to admit it.  On the other hand, you gotta pat yourself for that awareness because unless that awareness creeps in, very likely you'll go down the drain because that inhibits you from getting back on the right track.  And regardless who you are, everyone of us have cratered at some points in our lives, AND THAT's FINE, that's the way life goes.

No such thing as perfect drivers, expert drivers.  You could be driving for decades and decades but skidding does happen.  More so in life.  The more imperative need is to be able to handle that skid.  And that requires deftly handling the situation during those moments of turmoil and pressure where a tragic end is what you can see in your viewfinder.  Kathy Caprino shares with us @ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kathycaprino/2015/05/10/six-ways-to-take-back-control-of-your-life/?sh=4cb9ddd05099 how to regain control of life.

Ground rule is that once you're into that skid, continue to steer into it but be in control of the direction.  In practical terms, if you're in a downward slope, continue in that path but steering things without 'hitting a wall' or 'turning turtle'.  It's all 'damage control', trying to soften the impact which may be worse if you left things unchecked.  Listen to Liz Bentley as she shares her practical guides @ https://www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/3-ways-boost-your-mood-regain-control-during-stressful-time-ncna1190116.  GET MOVING, START DOING, GET into CREATIVITY.  As per Bentley's sharing, scientists have discovered that when we become CREATIVE, our brains release those mood-boosting hormones [dopamine and serotonin].  REMEMBER:  'your mood and mindset are one of the few things we can control in our lives'.
Your tire's thread shouldn't be overlooked [more so in life] because a key element in life is once you start to lose grip, that traction.  Losing that grip is one of the first tell-tale signs that you're about to lose control of things [and that's what we dread most].  Once you start losing control, you will be on a uphill climb and that climb could be too steep and damn treacherous because one mis-step will see you spiraling down faster that you thought.  
C'mon, don't get me wrong.  No one wants to be busy.  Who wants anyway.  But what we mean with getting "BUSY" is not to be in that idle, inactive and listless state.  At the other end of the spectrum, we don't want to get into that 'helter skelter' game either.  Being 'BUSY' enough should give justice for your life.
This blog from Perfect Scotland seems perfect @ https://www.perfectscotland.com/busy-people/10-tips-for-when-you-feel-life-is-spiralling-out-of-control/ as it shares TEN [10] tips and guess what's topping the tips ?  "GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA", whew !  And it sums up the TEN tips by recapping that 'if you want change in your life, go make it happen, you are the only one who can'.  Just REGAIN CONTROL of your LIFE.
With this Covid pandemic still all over us, Megan Finnerty shares with us how to regain control of our life @ https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2020/04/16/how-feel-more-control-your-life-during-coronavirus-pandemic/5144201002/.  This is all that matters.  When your energy is almost zapped, when your fuel tank is emptying soon, you got to recoup and refill things out because that will be your 'last hurrah' if you may.  If and when your very lifeline, your business or your career is on the line, Glenn Llopis shares the 5 oft forgotten resources to help you jump start things to get back on track.  Just do it, do it dude.❗❗❗

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