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Showing posts with label roller coaster life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roller coaster life. Show all posts

Saturday, August 28, 2021

This 'ROLLER COASTER' Ride in Life

This 'ROLLER COASTER' Ride in Life

Is there a debate that life is a 'ROLLER COASTER' ride ?  Guess none, right ?  Nevertheless, there remains some hard core souls stubborn enough to argue that if we manage and live our lives in a controlled manner, there can be no 'ROLLER COASTER' ride.  On this basis, I'm more than willing to roll up my sleeves and debate on this till the midnight oil gets burned.  For multifarious reasons, life can never be in that 'STEADY STATE we've been angling to have in life.

Oh, this poster strucke me as it says that life is a CONSISTENT 'ROLLER COASTER' ride.  This can't be farther than the truth.  We're all in, into this consistent 'ROLLER COASTER' ride no less.  You can be one of the top billionaires in Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk but even these near-trillion moguls can never claim that their ride has been has not been akin to the 'ROLLER COASTER' every Tom, Dick and Harry.  Everyone has been through rough patches while most of us have been at the bottom pit multiple times.  What do we do then ?  If we can't avoid hitting rock bottom, gotta mitigate it.

Why don't we set our expectations and accept things as they happen in our lives:

CERTAINTY-let's NOT demand guarantees ! STATUS QUO-let's NOT expect a 'stands still' UNFORESEEN EVENTS-this is a fact of life ! HUMAN NATURE-DON'T force your will on others PERFECTION-this is an illusion you shouldn't expect HISTORY-DON'T relive the past.  Let it go, Let it go. STATUS QUO-DON'T dislike CHANGE. Embrace it.

These are our mitigations given our 'ROLLER COASTER' rides in our lives.  By anticipating the unpredictability of things, we could then be more prepared to either pre-empt or even reactively but effectively control when life goes 'down south'.  You can be at the top of your class in school but WHAT IF someone equally smart like you slips past you.  You can be the admired worker now but WHAT IF one day you cause a snafu ?  Your business could be burgeoning but WHAT IF it got hit by this pandemic ?  By anticipating all the WHAT IFs, we would be in better control of our lives.

Eventually. that 'ROLLER COASTER' ride will taper off, albeit not overnight and not that too early in life.  You gotta go through tons of ordeals in life first, dude.  But farther down the road, you would achieve that 'SSSS' in life namely, that SAFE phase, STEADY state, that STOUT period, that STURDY juncture in your life where you will be entitled to go through the CELEBRATIONS in our LIFE ❗❗❗ 

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