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Showing posts with label Why Are You SLOWER When Others Are SLOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why Are You SLOWER When Others Are SLOW. Show all posts

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Why Are You SLOWER When Others Are SLOW ?

 Why Are You SLOWER When Others Are SLOW ?

We always claim that no one else can dictate our pace except ourselves.  TRUE.  AGREE.  But that has to be a conditional concurrence because while 'UNLI' offers are everyone, 'UNLI' is not available for TIME MANAGEMENT.  If and when you're SLOW in life, you would LOSE TIME.  If you're SLOWER, you'll LOSE MORE TIME.  If you are SLOWEST, you'll LOSE TIME BIGTIME !

But let us NOT underestimate ourselves.  When we're focused, if we want things done pronto, when we inject that sense of urgency and put both our heart and mind into something, that gets things done faster than what is normal.  And the truth is, if you are UNWILLING TO LEARN, no one can help you.  If you are determined to learn something, no one can ever stop you.
Even in sleeping, there are extremes, so we can discern if just for the sake of sleeping, do we have a problem at hand ?  But the most worrisome part is if we do not even recognize that there is a problem at hand.  If others are slow but you're slower than them, that should be your baseline to measure if you are still within the mainstream or you're becoming an outlier.

Oh, would you agree that where things are messy, that's the most common root cause that slows down things ?  Your total throughput takes a deep dip when your turnaround time takes that dive.  Why ?  For obvious reasons, a cluttered place can be equated to a cluttered environment which then causes you to become cluttered as well in the way you take action on anything in life.  CLEAN UP YOUR MESS.  Trust me, things will throttle up much faster than the slowness you got now.

At work, three traits are closely intertwined with each other like Siamese Triplets, namely work HARDER, SMARTER and BETTER.  Take out any of these three parameters out of the equation, you will be less productive, less efficient, less optimized.  And BTW, working HARDER, SMARTER and BETTER does not require you to pump up your efforts ten times from what you're burning out now.  

Is there something we should UNLOCK ?  Yes sireeeee, it's our MOTIVATION.  But of course, everyone will affirm that they are MOTIVATED.  To which I agree with.  But what sets people poles apart is their level of MOTIVATION.  If you're motivated to just finish your eight-hour work, please be aware of "SLOTH" but if you're grinding hard and kicking your ass damn harder, I hope everyone of us can be your replica✅

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