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Showing posts with label ceiling and floor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ceiling and floor. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Sometimes, Your CEILING Could Be Someone Else's FLOOR

Sometimes, Your CEILING Could Be Someone Else's FLOOR

Sometimes, Your CEILING Could Be Someone Else's FLOOR.  Getting straight from this poster was what I did as soon as I came across this one-liner.

Indeed, there is a huge disparity between a FLOOR and a CEILING.  While the former may be the lowest point, the CEILING may be the very peak of things.  And that's when the huge gap between the FLOOR and the CEILING becomes very wide and huge, sometimes seemingly daunting for someone to even reconcile with.

Thing is, we are NOT entirely at fault when our goals are seemingly leveled with or near the ground.  Probably, we were not enlightened that that goal should not be that LOW.  So, when is our goal setting be deemed LOW?  IF it is easy to achieve, IF your probability to succeed achieving it is near 100% way before you started on it, IF that goal would have you hardly sweat, IF that goal will give you so much time to divert and dilute your focus by multi-tasking, IF achieving your goal is NOT your priority because it is achievable, these are tell-tale signs that your goal is AS LOW AS THE FLOOR.

In brief, while setting LOW goals is NOT that wrong enough, that should motivate us to MOVE THE GOAL POST as soon as possible.  Why?  Because we DON'T want you to be complacent and just so 'comfy', wrongly thinking that you can now be deemed as a SUCCESS STORY.  That would be the worst baloney, something you DON'T deserve at all.
Now, you might wonder, how come the world is littered with tonnes and tonnes of success stories.  From Elon Musk to the billionaire Russians to the business moguls from Wall Street and even swinging to the billionaire Indians alongside Mukesh Ambani, what sets them apart from us?  Tricky question but let's take a leaf from Elon Musk who's mantra is to keep working and NOT SLEEP until he gets his work done.  Success stories like Elon Musk should inspire us all and WAKE US UP from our deep slumber, thinking our CEILING is their CEILING📗📘📙

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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