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Showing posts with label Hey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hey. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025



In a big chunk of my life, I witnessed everyone [and that includes moi] in quest of SUCCESS and swatting away the possibility of being AVERAGEBUT I kept asking myself, WHY the hell being AVERAGE is such a sting that carries with it an unspoken stigma, that unshakeable burden of weight on your should which you want to push off as fast and as quick before you get tagged as AVERAGE?   Hey, Being AVERAGE Is EXTRAORDINARY!!!

I admit that for the longest time, I was constantly giving out my darn best to ensure I was GOOD ENOUGH but today, allow me to admit that those episodes in my life were exhausting, to say the least.  Imagine, day-in day-out, angling to be BETTER than AVERAGE?  So, this brings me back to a full circle and ask ourselves, WHY CAN'T we accept AVERAGE?  BUT before I get caught up with words, I am cautious NOT to say "WHY CAN'T I SETTLE FOR AVERAGE" because that in itself is telling❎❎❎

Before I get [WRONGLY] understood, let's face it, by the law of AVERAGES, most of us are AVERAGE.  And there is NOTHING wrong with AVERAGE, yet I'll admit that I kept expecting more from myself.  Now, allow me to admit.  Most of my friends are AVERAGE people living in AVERAGE houses with AVERAGE jobs.  BUT WHAT ISN'T AVERAGE in them are their hearts and souls which are off-the-charts EXTRAORDINARY✅✅✅

Even in the field of human resource where most global companies have embraced AVERAGE as part of the 'bell curving'.  Regrettably, a plurality of workers area of 'bell curving' tend to look at AVERAGE as that stigma to be shunned off.  Zillion times as a manager, I kept harping to my team members that to end up as AVERAGE in the 'bell curving' means he/she has done his job well enough, delivering the goods💥💥💥

Our takeaway:  In defense of being AVERAGE, till to date, a lot of people are afraid to accept mediocrity because they believe that if they accept being MEDIOCRE, then they'll NEVER achieve anything, NEVER improve and that their life WON'T matter anymore.  I really find that sort of thinking skewed and dangerous. WHAT we need to agree on is that in life, everything is a TRADE-OFF, some born with high aptitudes, some got physical skills, some are artistic, some are athletic.  So, we humans come from a wildly diverse group.  AVERAGE is EXTRAORDINARY!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Hey, the Grass Keeps Growing Under Your Feet

Hey, the Grass Keeps Growing Under Our Feet

Hey, don't we realize it ?  That the GRASS KEEPS GROWING UNDER OUR FEET ?  Oh. does it matter ? Yesireeee it does matter and it matters a lot.  We don't need to look far.  Just stoop down to the grass knoll and you'll see that indeed, grass grows with no need of intervention and by the time  it grows and gathers like the wild bushes, how easy is it to traverse across the grounds ?  While we can't stop the grass to grow, at the very least, we gotta MAKE OUR MOVES, fast enough. 

Oh well, unless you belong to the tribal nomads out there in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, to us all, when the grass grows thick enough underneath our feet, it means, hardly has moved, hardly has changed.  In short, hardly would there be traces of real-life activities within that stretch.  In life, opportunities would spring out at various points to our surprise and after getting overwhelmed with it, what happens next ?  It takes eternity for us to make our move[s].  Besides being initially excited and ecstatic, once those feelings are gone, everything seems to die down as well.  But hey, we can't really prevent GRASS FROM GROWING UNDER OUR FEET.
Oh no, please no.  We can't be TURTLES.  See how far have these turtles traversed?  Obviously, not all decisions in life are that simple.  Would you enter into another relationship just after a breakup ?  Will you grab a job offer when you're happy in your current role ?  Will you risk your business by aggressively expanding because it seems that enticing ?
In the end, we tend to be like the girls who would like to feel the freshness of every morning by smelling the flowers and enjoying the scenery.  But hey, before you know it, it's scorching hot because it is almost 12 noon.  Sounds familiar ?  Dilly-dallying.  Analyzing and analyzing until you end up with analysis paralysis, whew ! Indeed for complex decisions, they weigh heavily because they can impact your life in many ways.
Our real problem [unknown to most of us] is that we have that tendency to think a certain way without even realizing it.  Let's have clear and concrete examples.  During this pandemic, your home internet seems to be damn slow more often YET till now, have you decided to switch internet provider ?  So how do we handle this ?  IDENTIFY YOUR PROBLEM or NEED then weigh your options.  Depending how you value it, that gets tied to your emotions and instincts but hey, the way to go is to look at things RATIONALLY.  Let us NOT ALLOW THE GRASS TO KEEP GROWING UNDER OUR FEET, dude✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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