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Showing posts with label Negotiate From A Position Of Strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Negotiate From A Position Of Strength. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Negotiate From A Position Of Strength

Negotiate From A Position Of Strength

Negotiate From A Position Of Strength.  When hear that, often we'll shrug off our shoulders because we'll say, LET'S LEAVE THAT TO THE NEGOTIATORS.  BUT hey, that POSITION of STRENGTH is not the own turf of negotiators.  In our daily life, whether we interact in school, at home, at work or even in business and commercials, this very much applies as wellπŸ’΄πŸ’΅πŸ’Ά

I remember when I left my native country to attend a week-long of interviews with several prospective employers in Singapore.  How did I handle things?  I made sure I played my best cards closest to my chest and that I made sure I was in control when the discussions will gradually veer into NEGOTIATIONS modeπŸ“™πŸ“—πŸ“˜

When questions thrown to me on the table was zeroing-in on my salary expectations, I clearly laid down my POSITION of STRENGTH wherein in a frank but diplomatic manner, I bluntly admitted that while I'm angling for the job I'm applying for, it was NOT something I'll die for because, frankly, I had a secure job to go back then [in fact I was just on a week-long leave from work].  WHAT signals did I transmit?  It's that I like the job BUT I DIDN'T need the jobπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Going into a negotiation with someone WHO holds more power than you can be a daunting prospect.  WHETHER you are asking your boss for a new assignment OR attempting to land a major business deal with a client, your approach to the negotiation can dramatically affect your chances of SUCCESS✅✅✅
So, HOW can you make the best case for WHAT you want?  First off, dust off any rust within you as you do the reps.  Then, gather all your cards of Aces [as you need to play your cards pretty deftly and close enough to your chest].  When negotiation kickstarts, go for the 'jugular' as early as possible.  The longer it takes, your chances of pulling the rug will inversely diminish.  Do NEGOTIATE FROM A POSITION OF STRENGTH❗❗

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