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Showing posts with label Things Are Good Until They're Not. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Things Are Good Until They're Not. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Things Are Good Until They're Not

Things Are Good Until They're Not

Yes this is another truism we got to accept and embrace.  We're just all too blessed because all those good stuff continue to be heaped on us many times in our life BUT Things Are Good Until They're Not,  You can continue to reap the laurels in your academic performance.  You continue to earn based on a job you're fit to a 'T'.  You and your partner/spouse could have extended that 'honeymoon' phase by spreading it through a year or two.  Or if you are a novice entrepreneur, your coffers must have been clicking and ringing beyond your expectations.  BUT Things Are Good Until They're Not.

That's the thing.  Things CAN'T be FOREVER.  All the good things in life will eventually dry up [or at least, those water levels will gradually decrease until the dam itself is left high and dry.  That is a tough lesson that we sometimes tend to overlook.  I can personally attest  I've seen many lives where everything was nice and dandy for many decades UNTIL..... 

And this is where the fishermen are much adept than us.  When the horizons are clear, they would even spend days out in the high seas before they get back onshore.  Why?  Because those are the only times they can hit paydirt because once the clouds start to get gloomy. those atmospheric pressures won't be far away.

So, how can you avoid ending stuck up high and dry in that car now stalled for repair at the workshop?  Simple.  If it's financials, set aside a safe chunk and save it for the RAINY DAYS.  And if it's intangibles, SAVE that GOODWILL because that will keep your relationship afloat with your partner/spouse and your family.  Things Are Good Until They're Not❗❗❗

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