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Showing posts with label Want To CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Want To CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2024



Want To CHANGE YOUR LIFE?  Oh Oh Oh, It sounds good.  I wanna hear that.  I wanna join that bandwagon.  Unfortunately, when CHANGE is looming, we CAN'T really be thankful with anxiety.  True, our nervous ancestors noticed the caved lion first and saved the whole tribe.  BUT now that we live between a washing machine and a computer, we DON'T need this crazy alarm to ring dozens of times every dayπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Oh, you might wonder the timeliness of our topic today?  Should be timely because this is normally the time of the year when we draft and craft our NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONs for the Nth time!@#? So, can we start this CHANGE OUR LIFE initiative by asking ourselves if we still need that irritating alarm clock every morning?  Let's face it, some people are even afraid it'll go off any minute, so they lock themselves up in the house.  BUT even in your own bed, likely you would still feel that immaterial bitch pervadingπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

If we look around, there is always someone in the world who grew up in a similar place, time and situation as us, WHO managed to CHANGE their life for the better.  BUT just because it's possible to CHANGE our life DOESN'T mean it is easy.  I myself, I've made considerable CHANGES in my life more times than I can count.  And whether I was changing my perspective, career, or the country I lived in, I learned one thingπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

THAT is, to truly CHANGE my life, I first needed to CHANGE myself.  Easier said than, right?  STILL, whether you want to be get motivated, BECOME YOUR OWN BOSS, OR as one says, MOVE TO ITALY, LEARN ITALIAN, FALL IN LOVE, OPEN A RESTAURANT, there you go.  Without dilly-dallying, let's roll up our sleeves for us to CHANGE OUR LIFE✅✅✅
Primero, make that DECISION TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  It may sound obvious BUT perhaps this is the most difficult part of changing your life.  BTW, I've met many people in the past who confided that they wanted to CHANGE their life BUT can't.  WHY?  Because it's tough to change your life.  REALLY TOUGH.  In fact, CHANGING YOUR LIFE may be the most challenging and most uncomfortable thing you will ever do but be forewarned that at first, the first stride will really be scary.  BUT, WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE❓❓❓

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