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Showing posts with label The Marginal Difference that Separates FAILURE & SUCCESS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Marginal Difference that Separates FAILURE & SUCCESS. Show all posts

Monday, December 18, 2023

The Marginal Difference that Separates FAILURE & SUCCESS

The Marginal Difference that Separates FAILURE & SUCCESS

Many of us think [and I'm guilty of this in the past] that the difference between FAILURE and SUCCESS is as wide as the Pacific Ocean.  No sirrrrrrrs.  Studies tells the contrary as statistics show that roughly 5% is what separates a lot of FAILURE vs SUCCESS stories that were decided by a Marginal Difference that Separates FAILURE & SUCCESSπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

So, the statistical data from the studies have shot down the age-old wrong assumption that huge differences separated FAILURE and SUCCESS.  On the contrary, a little tweak and twist there would have tilted things in favor of the protagonists who may have failed.  With a level playing field and all things equal, this should be a 'shot in the arm' for those struggling throughπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Let's visualize ourselves in the middle of a mammoth crowd and you got to extricate yourself from it.  That happened to me and my wife when we attended a political rally where the record count of the crowd breached one million.  And that night, our goal was to walk off after all the political speeches and just prior to the concert-like things following the political rally.  How we managed to literally PUSH THROUGH that mammoth crowd [and once we extricated ourselves out, we lost no time to find the nearest 7-Eleven to gulp ice cold drinks to quench our thirst]πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
PUSHING THROUGH when you think you CAN'T is what makes all the difference between FAILING or SUCCEEDING.  Pushing forward despite the challenges, the setbacks and the hardships is WHAT makes champions, heroes and the very best SUCCESS STORIESPUSHING THROUGH is the DNA of SUCCESS, periodπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

As an analogy with cars, we CANNOT move forward if our emergency break is still ON.  It's as simple as that.  There will be outliers where LUCK [or BAD LUCK] will have a hand in the ultimate outcome but those are outliers.  In fact, before a situation eventually collapses upon us, there will be multiple tell-tale signs to forewarn us.  That gives us more than an ample time to pivot from that level of uncertainty.  Do note always that more often, there is just a MARGINAL DIFFERENCE THAT SEPARATES FAILURE and SUCCESS✅✅✅

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