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Showing posts with label Petulance Is An Ingredient for FAILURE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petulance Is An Ingredient for FAILURE. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2023

Petulance Is An Ingredient for FAILURE

Petulance Is An Ingredient for FAILURE

Oh, this is a recycled one-liner, that "FAILURE IS INEVITABLE".  And of course, generally speaking, that is true.  But, as much as FAILURE is a normal part of everyday life, we owe it to ourselves to realize that you DON'T have to stay in that state [of FAILURE].  FAILURE being normal, but getting stuck in FAILURE should NOT be the case.  So, for today, we got to pin down the most common causes and culprits of FAILURE but in the midst of things, please allow me to highlight that  Petulance [itself] Is An Ingredient for FAILURE.  Once we start rattling down the most common causes or culprits of FAILURE, we will realize that PETULANCE is indeed an Ingredient for FAILURE.  And as per Mr Webster, PETULANCE is defined as either bad-tempered, ill-tempered, impatient and veering to being childish  And surely, everyone of us have been petulant few times in the past but that's fine๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

So, what are our common behavioral manifestations either bad-tempered, ill-tempered, impatient and veering to being childish?  Topping our all-time list are EXCUSES EXCUSES and EXCUSES and I vividly remember hearing this funny sharing that EXCUSES are like armpits.  We all have them and they all stink, whew.  Whether we're person-specific or organization-specific who makes EXCUSES will never be able to accept that their FAILURE was caused by something they did or didn't do❗❗❗

A petulant Obama, yes the former U.S. President?  Yesirrrrrs, to be tagged as petulant does not shield even world power leaders.  Whether it's in their  work performance or the execution of their executive powers. those are common areas where they could have been tagged as PETULANT.  Now, have you heard of the BLAME GAME?  So, when you fail, what's the first thing we do?  Oh well, for each of us, the first thing we need to do is to face the mirror [but which we DON'T do].  Instead, many of us [and I'm guilty of this in the past] would blame someone else๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

You might challenge me and ask, where's the beef when we blame?  Unfortunately, BLAME creates animosity and burnout and may even ruin one's relationship[s] and even one's business  Instead, when you succeed in something, credit that to others' contributions.  When you FAIL, start with the only person you can change.  Coming close to the heels of BLAME is DOUBT.  There's just a lot to be said for confidence๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Now, "Try TRY" which means TIME TO REINVENT YOURSELF.  To quote famous American writer Mark Twain, 'ALL YOU NEED IN THIS LIFE IS IGNORANCE AND CONFIDENCE AND THEN SUCCESS IS SURE'.  But here's the catch.  That does NOT come easy.  If you find yourself in DOUBT, just realize that you are capable of faith.  Meanwhile, throw out through the window that disgusting PETULANCE because you DON'T need that in your recipe for SUCCESS✅✅✅

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