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Showing posts with label Know Your Limits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Know Your Limits. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Know Your Limits !

 Know Your Limits !

RM, the most eloquent member of world famous Korean Pop Group BTS is very good source of one-liners that will grab you by your lapels.  And for today, this one-liner speaks volumes:  'I HOPE YOU KNOW YOUR LIMITS WELL. BUT DON'T STAY WITHIN THOSE LIMITS.  OVERCOME THEM EACH DAY'. And I think no one disagree with RM on this.

Challenge question:  Why do we need to know our limits?  Why can't we just go on and carry own?  Fine, for argument's sake, assuming you really dunno your limits.  What happens next?  Likely, nothing will happen!  Why? Because either you refuse to know your limits or you simply wanna ignore it when your stubborn persona suddenly takes over your whole self.  So how will things end up with you by then?

Go down memory lane when we were still in school.  Isn't it we knew fully well our limits such that we really studied damn hard even if folks around us were simply taking things in stride?  And that's the very crux of the matter.  Only by being fully aware of our limits will likely help us find the catalyst within us for us to overcome that barrier that somehow separates the boys from men.

In fact, the acid test we should overcome is that upon knowing our limits, we will defy that everything ends within those limits but instead, you will spare no single stone to continue ramping up and scaling up as you continue to kick your ass damn hard.  How then can you overcome your limits?
  • Be FEARLESS-Overcome that by getting rid of fear.
  • TOOTB - Think out of the box.  Expand your thinking
  • Will you ASK AROUND - Nope, pls DONT.  Once you start asking someone, you end constrained by that person's LIMITS.  Would you rather go that route ?
  • Play by the RULES ? - NO WAY.  DONT ride that bandwagon just to be with the mainstream.  
    What is the commonality of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa and John Kennedy?  They all hit the wall and they got hit hard and that woke them up because they realized their limits and decided to take the next step of DEFYING their LIMITS ✅✅✅

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