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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Why Life Matters


๐Ÿ“ŒDoes life matter ? It does and it does a lot. Don't look too far. Look within your family because that's your universe, your solar system all rolled into one.

A decade ago, my high school buddy's meteoric rise in his navy career can't just be stopped as every few years, he went up the organizational ladder that will surely catapult him to secure his first star as a navy flag officer. Until he dropped unconscious on the ground while going through the motions of their morning exercises.

A few years ago, our neighbor tied the knot with her Fil-Am fiance and one weekend, his newly minted husband was playing hoops nearby. Next day, we got wind of the tragic news that he suddenly fell unconscious right at the basketball court.

All these unfortunate things do tell us one thing: let's NOT waste time. let's VALUE time. And your time only becomes that VALUED if you inject the essence of PURPOSE in your life and get it embedded in your family's fabric because it is them that matters most.
During this global pandemic we are all struggling, we saw thousands of lives lost right within our localities, our regions. Not to mention the almost daily news of murder, homicide and pre-meditated crimes within our communities.

Why can't we take a page out of the playbook. When a polarized situation like this pandemic we are all in now, with these dark clouds hovering all over us, everything becomes dicey. If and when you are 'off the bus range', you've got to wrestle over the steering wheel and be more than just a needle mover. Do revisit why we, YOU, exist in the first place? And does our life matter, if at all?
Stumbling across these 3 no-brainer questions can cause any of us to grind to a halt and ponder. Dissecting it will lead us to realize that indeed, life matters but what matters is what happens next. But leading us to the next thing can only shape up after you have plotted your direction in life.
If we're here to lead passive lives, ending up in mediocrity is a given. But if we juxtaposition our life vis-a-vis our immediate families, that should be a good 'wake up' call for us that today is never too late to pick up the pieces and continue your journey. At the end of the day, yours is not a 'lost cause' if you keep trudging on. Trust me, you will surprise yourself when you end up farther and at a higher pedestal than you ever thought yourself is capable to achieve.

Quoting Mark Twain: 'The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why'. Hell no, if you miss out finding WHY, then that could be seriously troubling because you could be still be afloat that rudderless boat, you could continue to drift away from the shore till nothing is left of you except as another footnote across the huge expanses of sheet of waters across the oceans.
But how about luck ? Someone so passive day-in day-out just keeps buying lotto tickets and one day, kabooooom, he hits the jackpot. Will he go any further ? Sort of. Only momentarily though. Because anything achieve with the least efforts will easily dissipate like thin air. Earn your spurs. Sweat for your earnings. Grind to earn a living. Have we heard of '1 day millionaires' ? I guess we heard it many times over time. We've seen them sprout out only to suddenly end up incognito.
Don't get us wrong. Joining the fray by betting on a game of chance is not that bad. But what's not just bad but simply detestable are souls who fall prey to games of chances being turned as their very lifeline. Have you heard of risk-takers who get burdened with debts because they went too far beyond the edge [of risk-taking]? Worst, have we heard a scion ending up mortgaging the patriarch's properties [and sometimes even selling them off] because that's the only card left for them to stake on the table?
Oh yea, we do hear sprinkling news of a penniless soul who did bet everything that was left of him and later hitting the lotto jackpot? But hey, that's a one-in-a-million story. And before the 2nd lotto jackpot winner gets plucked out amongst the 2nd million of gamblers, 1.99 million souls would have been in dire straits by now and it's too late to extricate them out from that deep morass. Thing is, as this old adage goes: 'What comes easy won't last long, what lasts long won't come easy'.

Dude, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.๐Ÿ™

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