How Often Your 'FUN MAX' Turns To 'STRESS MAX'?
Surely, for a bigger chunk of our lives, everyone had more 'FUN MAX' than 'STRESS MAX'. Those FUN MAX moments are those times WHEN we fire up all our cylinders and we go full throttle YET with all the FUN all over us. After so many years in the rat race, however, WHO can blame us if those FUN MAX moments would eventually turn into those STRESS MAX? So, the lingering [and pestering] question to me now is How Often Your 'FUN MAX' Turns To 'STRESS MAX'? And digging into this quagmire, my curious self pushes me to ask the troubling question: WHAT triggers those FUN MAX times to turn to STRESS MAX? Luckily, the psychologists have a ready answer to it, all pointing to STRESSπππ
Avoiding all the gobbledygook and jargon, we're told that STRESS is the normal culprit to the pressures in our every day life. Worry, fear, anger, sadness and other emotions, name it, they are all seemingly normal emotional responses to situations and yes, they are part and parcel of our daily life. However, if the STRESS that underlies these emotions will interfere with our ability to do the things we want OR need to do, that STRESS can become unhealthy. As always, we are counselled to NIP THINGS IN THE BUD but that is easier said than done thoughπ₯π₯π₯
BTW, experts tell us that STRESS can either be either physical, mental OR behavioral OR a combination thereof. Unfortunately, there's a huge plethora of symptoms for either of these kinds of STRESS:
PHYSICAL - Heaviness in your chest, increased heart rate, chest pain, headaches, grinding of teeth, etc
MENTAL/BEHAVIORAL - Being more emotional than usual, feeling edgy or overwhelmed, resorting to drugs OR alcohol, struggling solving problems, etc
WHERE do we go next? It's a no-brainer dude. We got to figure out how to COPE with STRESS, period. Without misrepresenting myself as an SME [Subject Matter Expert] here, allow me to share my 2-cents. Taking a leaf as to HOW I had to extricate myself from STRESS. First off, I had to take some time off for myself. Even if that meant just 5 to 15 minutes a few times a day, I would take a BREAK FROM REALITY❗❗❗
Our takeaway: How often do we hear that that DISTRACTION is bad? Ironically, allow me to ride on its coat tails and encourage ourselves to DISTRACT our mind WHENEVER we see the tell-tale signs of STRESS. Instead, let's try to focus our mind on something other than WHAT's causing that STRESS. Maybe, do something FUN, watch a light OR FUN movie. Maybe, we can flip back STRESS MAX back to FUN MAX πππ