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Showing posts with label At Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label At Times. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2023



No sirrrrs, although I am an avid chess fan, our thread today is NOT about Ajedrez, the game of Chess.  We have all felt stuck at some point in our lives.  Perhaps you feel stuck right now.  When that happens, it can feel impossible to keep moving forward towards your goals and plans.  As proven over and over again in any circumstances,  At Times, You Need To STEP BACK To STEP FORWARD๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Maybe you're feeling a little stuck working on a project, or even a personal project like a house renovation or a business expansion.  Does this sound familiar to us all?  When that IDEA sprung up many months ago, we felt so 'gung ho' such that we were like monkeys and chimpanzees jumping vertically oozing with all that excitement NOT until when that excitement has simmered down, and now you're feeling stuck and maybe confused at the turn of events⏳⏳⏳

Or you feel 'trapped in a job' when in fact, not so many moonlights ago, you were so excited with your new-found job, which you thought is/was your 'DREAM JOB' but now it seems you're hitting a wall?  Or you could be stuck in a relationship which, not so long ago, you picked up the gauntlet and given up everything just for you to get the nod from your ;DREAM GIRL'.  Indeed, this is a major dilemma that should be fixed ASAPHOW?  Try to TAKE A STEP BACK.  Often, we try to get unstuck by pushing forward with sheer force๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Try to endeavor accessing a different level of thinking by assessing your current situation from a new viewpoint.  Let's pause and ask ourselves, WHERE DO WE STAND NOW, WHAT GOT US TO THAT POINT, and WHAT IS IT YOU REALLY WANT?  When you try stepping back and look at things from a distance, you would start to see things from a much different perspective✅✅✅

Let's envision ourselves out there, deep in the woods, and seemingly lost.  If we keep moving forward, looking for our way out, we could panic and end up IN CIRCLES.  You could even head back the way you came from.  This is like 'ZOOMING OUT' for you to relook at your situation as a neutral observer .  AT TIMES, YOU NEED TO STEP BACK TO STEP FORWARD❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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