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Showing posts with label When Intentions DON'T Match Results. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When Intentions DON'T Match Results. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2021

When Intentions DON'T Match Results

 When Intentions DON'T Match Results

Happy Sunday Morning ! Deja vu, that feeling, that situation which could have happened in the past and it repeats itself all over again.  Sounds familiar ?  Absolutely because we all went through this dilemma wherein we have lofty intentions, laid out in good faith and sometimes framed with all the optimistic and positivity we want to shape up eventually, which is laudable.  But how often our intentions DIDN'T match the outcome, the results ?  Personally, that happened in my life for the Nth time over and over again, until it gradually tapered off.

And when things don't end up as we envisioned, we could end up in that pensive and often frustrating mood and mode, trying to come to grips with reality, recalling where, when and how did things go wrong, how things went astray.  And that throws a monkey wrench to all our grandiose plans which sometimes have been resonated to our immediate family, our loved ones, which is fine.  BUT, when things go awry, that frustration sinks in not just to you, to us but to our loved ones, our immediate family, right ?

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great American philosopher way back the 19th century can be best quoted: 'WHAT YOU DO SPEAKS SO LOUD THAT I CANNOT HEAR WHAT YOU SAY'.  Simply put, the intentions DON'T get reflected in the results, the outcome.  If the gap is marginal at most, then we shouldn't make a mountain of a molehill BUT if there's a huge gap between the plan versus the end-result, it becomes imperative to trigger a genuine 'back to the drawing board' approach and even some soul-searching if the ramifications are/were seriously impacting you or even your family.  Unfortunately, when you hit that 'concrete wall', that could even put into question your own credibility.  The next time around, who'll buy-in your intentions, your grandiose plans ?  No one may be biting by then.  In straight terms, your stakeholders may even express their lose of confidence in you.  Regardless whether this situation happens at home or at your work environment, the realization will be that nothing works like it should unless all of the parts are no different.  If you have to crack the whip [on you], so be it.  If you need to raise the roof, DON'T dilly-dally for long.  It will be bad optics to talk about goals if it ends up as a lip service.

At that point, you DON'T even have to reserve judgment.  You DON'T want to sink at the bottom of Hudson River, right ?  And DON'T waste time taking that concrete move to rectify things because you might be misconstrued as having a big lie of what is the truth.  Too bad but you have to face the music because by then, you can't be everyone's cup of gourmet coffee NOT UNTIL you turn things around and get your ride to be steamrolling again [not as a train-wreck by that time].

If you're in a total mess, nothing is lost even if your credibility could have been dented by then.  If we're hoping you to get tired, we fervently hope that you do get tired of getting your ass kicked.  Going back to the drawing board may be a tough pill to swallow but what gives, if that is the only option left for you, besides quitting.  And more importantly, you gotta remain focused with your intentions so that you can head back to the right 

side of things.  And if you're on the receiving end of the ball [of opportunities], remember that every passer needs a target and that target has to finish.  Anything less than that becomes unacceptable.  And figure out if unknowingly, intent filters suddenly surfaced from within your intents because likely, that could be the culprit [of you going astray].  In his piece @ 

https://www.forbes.com/sites/devinthorpe/2016/04/13/to-change-the-world-good-intentions-are-not-enough/?sh=4df46203a4ab, Devin Thorpe espouses that 'good intentions are NOT enough'.  And with brevity, he rattles off the TO-DO List:  DO YOUR HOMEWORK, MEASUREMENT IMPROVES IMPACT and EXCELLENT EXECUTION is REQUIRED

If we need role models, we gotta replicate how the US Airways pilot deftly handled the emergency landing at the Hudson River or historically, we have to replicate how the ship captains thread their way traversing Panama Canal.  There is just NO room for error.  In the Health and Wellness piece @ https://www.jrni.co/blog/why-setting-daily-intentions-matter-and-how-can-it-change-your-life#:~:text=As%20mentioned%2C%20one%20of%20the,and%20be%20productive%20is%20key., we should be enamored to that mindset of setting daily intentions because that matters much.  And as part of your post-mortem, allow yourself to reassess things.  Figure out your misses and rectify such.  Thereafter, execution must be carried out with just NO ROOM for ERROR.  The second time around, you gotta make it work, dude ❗❗❗

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