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Sunday, November 1, 2020




This morning was not a typical one because I woke up 759am, and I got a call at 800am, whew. But that's not I wanna blog now. Instead, while leisurely booting up my laptop, I had to go through all of today's banner headlines, both local and regional news. But of all news bits, what caught me, hands down, was a very quotable quote from a provincial governor who used to be one of the more articulate senators but is now the hubby of a famous local showbiz personality. And to quote him: "HINDI PUEDE AN PUEDE NA". Of course, the good governor was referring to measures formulated and implementated to date with regard the covid pandemic. But this "PUEDE NA" could have been very relevant anything in our lives. When we got just one dish, that's PUEDE NA. When all we had was bread, that's PUEDE NA. When we had a mug of beer, that's PUEDE NA [because momentarily, that made you gloss over your problems in life, whewwww].

Ohgeee, that's a mouthful. That curt statement hits the bulls eye and unfortunately, many of us [me as well I guess] will feel guilty because surely along the way, we blurted "PUEDE NA" here and there.

I scrambled towards Mr Google and searched for the english translation of PUEDE NA. Sorry folks, nada, nil, zilch. Even Mr Google is so damn oblivious of the existence of PUEDE NA. Instead, one word struck me hard and that's MEDIOCRITY.

Instead, as an afterthought, I blurted out that 'you deserve what you settle for'. Then that led me to MEDIOCRITY because deep within me, MEDIOCRITY is simply unacceptable. Even at work, I admit I dont have the temerity to loathe MEDIOCRITY because that deprives someone of going from good to better, from good to great, from mediocrity to excellence.

And this brings me back to the "PUEDE NA" mindset. Who agrees with me that the "PUEDE NA" mindset is akin to mediocrity? Settling for less when you can have more. Achieving less success when you can achieve a bigger success. Getting satisfied when your accomplishment simply creates a whimper whereas you would have prominently stood out if you accomplished something earthshaking.

Not to push down people who have less in life but as an afterthought, would you agree that most of the folks struggling now could have been better off today had they not lived and breathed that "PUEDE NA" mantra in life?

For those downtrodden, can we agree that had they declared that MEDIOCRITY IS NOT AN OPTION, will they still be in that deep morass they are now deeply buried? Likely not. Just to share an interchange when one asked his friend 'what are your plans [in his career/life]'. He blurted out "THERE IS NO OPENING YET". To which his friend retorted "TO WHERE"? He snapped back "ANYWHERE".

Ohgeee, goddammit, to quote: " A SOUL WITHOUT A HIGH AIM IS LIKE A SHIP WITHOUT A RUDDER". And when a ship is rudderless, that ship will not have a direction, a path towards the destination he wants to end up.

To quote the great American John D. Rockefeller, "DON'T BE AFRAID TO GIVE UP THE GOOD TO GO FOR THE GREAT". By the way, here's a disclaimer. I ain't claiming that if you go from good to great, you will end up great BUT. Here's the BUT. You will likely end up at the very least, several notches higher and better than just being good.

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