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Sunday, November 1, 2020

What are you up to


What are you up to ?

What are you up to ?

Did you wake up with an adrenaline rush ? Or did you rise up from the wrong side of the bed and just hoping that daybreak didn’t come along ? Or are you that typical fence sitter, indifferent of anything and leaving things to play up depending how things will shape up the rest of the day ?

Regardless, we got to agree that how your day will shape up hinges so much in your disposition when you start your day off. Too bad if you’re under the weather, then you’re excused but other than that, it becomes inexcusable. Otherwise, get out of your comfort zone. Staying there won't guarantee that you'll get to the destination you are plotting as aligned with your personal vision.

Why sit on the fence and be indifferent around you ? Why miss the opportunities when a new day dawns for you ? Why lose things by default ?

Let’s take a sampling of sportsmen widely admired and followed.

Take the Miami Heat’s Jimmy Butler ? Guess what time he packs off and goes to the gym for his daily training ? It’s 3 o’clock in the wee hours of the morning ! And when sportswriters asked him how can he be working out in the gym at that unholy hour ? Straight-faced he admits that he ensures that he hits the sack by 7pm.

Take Manny Pacquiao, the world’s only 8-division champion. How was he able to overcome world champions like Oscar De la Hoya, Antonio Margarito, Erik Morales, Juan Marquez and almost beating Floyd Mayweather ? It is his unconditional focus once he dives into his training phase.

How about us, typical mortals ? How do we take on challenges in life ? We could scan the landscape and we can find extremists, one admitting that he hates challenges because life is a challenge by itself while another soul would brag that life is so boring, he does not have enough challenges on his plate ! Which extremist are you with ?

Decide at your own risk but remind yourself that you don’t want a day wasted, a life wasted because you wasted on opportunities that came in the shape of challenges.

You got to confront yourself. Do you want to lead a life that’s simply interesting ? Or would you prefer a meaningful life where you could feel a sense of achievement ?

To share a very quotable quote, “ DON’T TAKE EVERY CHALLENGE AS A PROBLEM. TAKE EVERY PROBLEM AS A CHALLENGE”. And if you could align your mantra with this, life may not be a ‘walk in the park’ but surely, you will not end up in a catastrophic conclusion of your journey.

To quote Vietnamese Poet Minh Tan, “A LIFE WITHOUT CHALLENGES IS A LIFE WASTED”.

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