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Showing posts with label Fork Down The Road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fork Down The Road. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Fork Down The Road

Fork Down The Road

You DON'T need to declare yourself either as a traveler OR as a road warrior because either way, as you traverse your life's journey, while most of the time you could be coasting along freeways and expressways, there will always be Fork Down The Road, those roads that would split up in two diverse directions, giving you just two options, e.g.  Take Road A or Road B.  In life, you would NOT even be toying around with a 3rd option with Fork Down The RoadπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Even thinking of that analogy with that traffic in the metro, there will be one too many Forks Down The Road.  And going back to our life, having options in life is a blessing but choosing well can feel like a heavy responsibility especially when the decision is life-changing.  There are ways to think clearly of your options such as thinking about what's best for you as opposed to what's 'right', thoroughly exploring your options and having faith in your own wisdom.  Making life decisions is a useful skill to cultivate as you will surely have to make more decisions throughout your lifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Through the years, life can present major 'FORKS' in the road.  Sometimes, the best choice is obvious.  But what if you encounter equally valid options?  Perhaps you have to decide which school to attend?  OR which major to declare in your studies?  Which career?  Which job?  Which city?  Which medical treatment?  Which relationship to pursue?  Which invitation to accept?  Which way to handle an acrimonious relationship that's just getting worse❓❓❓
When we have options in life, it can be a blessing BUT it can be a curse as well.  And while it's great to have a choice, but there's that heavy responsibility to choose well, especially when each path would send you on a completely different trajectory.  So, how do we wiggle out of this?  First, think of WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU [rather than WHATS RIGHT].  This may seem like a tiny distinction but shifting your decision-making process to what's BEST can help you a lot✅✅✅

With more than one option, explore each option as thoroughly as possible.  If you need to see it visually, do it.  Actually, being there, in person, it let's your brain take in loads of key information that can inform your decision either way.  And if you know your area of interest, even intangibles like the 'vibe' of the location or the people will help you come up with an informed decision even with that fork down the road❗❗❗

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