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Showing posts with label One Swallow Does NOT Make A Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Swallow Does NOT Make A Summer. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2022

One Swallow Does NOT Make A Summer

One Swallow Does NOT Make A Summer

One Swallow Does NOT Make A Summer, is that true or is it a fallacy?  Very true indeed but we're not about to spend time talking about birds but instead, let's swing over to our daily lives and look back how often have we seen people not just admonished and chided but instead castigated and to borrow a Christian term, 'crucified' simply because one has erred.  Sadly, I've witnessed this recurring dilemma a zillion times.

If you are avid footfall fan, in the ongoing FIFA World Cup, Spain was doing wonders not until they got unceremoniously kicked out from the Top-16 with that loss to Morocco.  What happened next is anybody's guess.  Spain's Coach Luis Enrique was immediately fired, solely because of that solitary loss to Morocco.  And while we know that taking an exit at the hands of lowly Morocco was indeed a shock, where else did Coach Luis Enrique go wrong?
Now, this brings me back to the swallow because if this is the twisted logic we will embrace in life, I'll have the phobia to commit even a single mistake in any of my undertakings.  But is that fair and just?  Were we all born to be more than just become humans but super humans instead?  If we recently got married with our partner/spouse, then arguments happen here and there, will we run right away to file for divorce in the local court?  Or for Muslims, will we simply send a 'TALAK' via social media?
Think about it, isn't it that premature and overhasty?  Why do decisions need to be unfairly rash?  
WHY can't we give newly-minted couples that fair chance to know each other deeply and until such time when they know each other like the 'palm of their hands' will they come to terms by calling a spade a spade?  BTW, even the hardened criminals are given a reprieve by the courts and they are even granted a furlough and when they're deserving, they end up being on parole.  Why can't our life replicate those FAIR PRACTICES?
Without being lenient in life, why can't we be magnanimous and humane by giving those who err or offend us at least a reprieve, that chance to right the wrong, akin to the way most of the doting parents will treat their children?  Even at work or in business, me thinks it's unfair to drop the axe on the first infraction.  Whether you are a Christian or a devout Muslim, we got to accept the fact that ONE SWALLOW DOES NOT MAKE A SUMMER📕📘📗

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