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Showing posts with label please remain buckled to your seats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label please remain buckled to your seats. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2021

We're on a Long-Haul Flight a Thousand times Longer than the 'normal' Long-Haul Flight

 We're on a Long-Haul Flight a Thousand times Longer than the Long-Haul Flight

⏳ Like it or not, we're all onboard this looooong haul flight a thousand times longer than the usual long-haul flight I personally dread [that non-stop SQ Flight from Singapore to NY easily takes 20 hours].  And I dreaded more that U.S. flight that will stopover either at Narita or at Kimpo [and later at Incheon] Airport because that's another 3-4 hours padded on your itinerary.  But for almost a year now, we're all STILL onboard this scary long-haul flight.  Until when, only God knows.

if there is one petty bright spot to be consoled, it's the harsh reality that in the past year, that 'Great Divide' has only exacerbated.  Don't miss that blog from SMU's Hunt Institute: @ https://blog.smu.edu/huntinstitute/2020/11/04/article-summary-conquering-the-great-divide/#.YBYxB-gza5g wherein Rachel Levitt highlights Columbia U's Professor Joseph Stoglitz' opinion piece in the IMF Journal 

https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/index.htm wherein he gives impetus to narrow that divide in society for us, the human race, to get over the hump of this 'long-haul' pandemic.  And at the crux of narrowing that 'Great Divide' now is the need for us all to co-exist regardless of where we stand in society's strata.  For those infections which have worsened where a home quarantine is no longer an option, rich or poor, the unfortunate ones need no less than hospital attention no less.

Surely, there were times the past year when we felt never touching the ground, that feeling of being neither here nor there, that feeling of being detached of the 'goings on'.  But take it from CNN's damper @
https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/01/coronavirus-pandemic-likely-to-last-for-two-years-scientists-predict.html#:~:text=Coronavirus%20outbreak%20likely%20to%20go%20on%20for%20two%20years%2C%20scientists%20predict,-Published%20Fri%2C%20May&text=The%20coronavirus%20pandemic%20is%20likely,University%20of%20Minnesota%20have%20predicted.  This outbreak will be here with us for the next two years.  BBC's tone is more optimistic though but nevertheless telling us, this will be over in two years https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53870798.  If you dread one that would throw you off your chair, take it from Lawrence Wong during the Singapore Straits Times Perspective Conference https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/pandemic-could-last-4-or-5-years-lawrence-wong that this ordeal can last till four to five years ahead simply because there's one too many more bumps the coming years before we can ever reach that post pandemic normal.
What do we get from all the thousands of Pandemic Survival 101 Guides ?  First and foremost, please DON'T LOOK BACK, never.  DON'T waste time surmising WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN. That has gone pffft up in thin air.  The Pine Rest Christian Mental Health News Room prepares us during & after @ https://www.pinerest.org/a-brave-new-world-life-during-and-after-the-pandemic-blog/.  Folks, please remain buckled to your seats UNTIL THE SEATBELT SIGN GOES OFF.  So, the Cabin PA goes.📌

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Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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