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Showing posts with label What Goes Around Comes Around [Rated X]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Goes Around Comes Around [Rated X]. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2023

What Goes Around Comes Around [Rated X]

What Goes Around Comes Around [Rated X]

Reposting this from Quora.com courtesy of the posting by Rebecca as Rated X [because this story is NOT suited for minors]: A housewife takes a lover during the day while her husband is at work.  NOT aware that her 9 yr old son was hiding in the closet, her husband came home unexpectedly so she hid her lover in the closet. The boy NOW has company.  BOY:  Dark in here.  MAN:  Yes it is.  BOY:  I have a baseball.  MAN:  That's nice.  BOY:  Want to buy it?  MAN:  No, thanks.  BOY:  My dad's outside.  MAN:  Ok, how much.  boy: $ 250.  Few weeks after, it happens again the boy and her mom's lover are in the closet together again.  BOY:  Dark in here.  MAN:  Yes it is.  BOY:  I have a baseball glove.  MAN:  That's nice.  BOY:  Want to buy it?  MAN: No thanks.  BOY:  I'll tell.  MAN:  How much?  BOY:  $750.  MAN:  Fine.  Few days later, the boy's dad says:  Grab your glove.  Let's go out, play baseball.  The boy says:  I can't.  I sold them.  FATHER asked:  How much?  BOY:  $1,000.  FATHER says:  That's terrible to over-charge your friends like that.  I'm going to take you to church and confess to the priest.  They go to the church and the father alerts the priest and makes the little boy sit in the confessional booth and closes the door.  BOY says:  Dark in here.  PRIEST says:  Don't start that sh*t again !@#$%&?

Fact is, there are laws that govern our universe, like Newton's LAW of GRAVITY which says:  WHAT GOES UP COMES DOWN.  The Law of Thermodynamics says that all things break down.  And there's the Law of SOWING and REAPING.  But for this Law of SOWING and REAPING, it is both positive and negative in a sense.  As we swing back to our life, this hits the nail on the stone because it can't be more relevant๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

As we look back, we'll find some who who pursued FUN while you pursued FAITH.  Some pursued PARTIES while maybe you pursued PRAYERS.  And while others REAP corruption or deadness, you're REAPING life.  That principle of KARMA also kicks in here as it means AS YOU SOW, YOU SHALL REAP.  Say one person did wrong to another.  The general habit is that the other person chooses to react by paying back in the same coin.  This is where the phrase "WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND" comes handy❗❗❗

Indeed this comes handy as it encourages POSITIVITY within us, saying 'IF KINDNESS AND POLITENESS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO COME TO YOU, LET THE SAME GO FROM YOU".  Sometimes we are wronged and as humans, some of us are tempted to do the wrong thing as well❌❌❌

GIVE WHAT YOU WANT TO RECEIVE.  If we yell 'you are a thief', what happens next is we will hear the word's echo.  What does this tell us is that the world is our own projection.  Everything you encounter is your own design.  KARMA is like the fruit of a mango tree.  The mango will yield the tree and the tree will yield the mango and the cycle continues.  Indeed, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND❎❎❎

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