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Showing posts with label When That Weight Starts To Wear You Down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When That Weight Starts To Wear You Down. Show all posts

Sunday, April 23, 2023

When That Weight Starts To Wear You Down

When That Weight Starts To Wear You Down

No sirrrrrs, our piece today is NOT related to either weight loss or weight gain.  Instead, we'd like to spend a bit of time about those burdens in life.  BTW, no one wears teflon to keep one immune from the burdens in our life.  Whether you were born with a silver spoon or you grew up the hard way, we all go through that gauntlet to test our mettle.  The biggest question though is how do we handle our life When That Weight Starts To Wear You Down⏳⏳⏳

All of us experience times when we are overwhelmed with our BURDENS.  Even our patience and hope wear thin as our energy is drained under the weight of our responsibilities.  We then feel helpless and discouraged and wonder if there is any way to escape such troubles.  So, the bigger question is, when your heart feels heavy and your body weary, what's next❓❓❓
Injury.  Illness.  Unemployment.  And even strained relationships that end up.  There are one too many burdens in our life.  I'm no Buddhist but allow me to quote one of Buddha's teachings which says:  'WANT WHAT YOU HAVE AND TO NOT WANT WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE'.  In simpler terms, let us embrace our life AS IT IS rather than as YOU WISHED IT TO BE.  Being present means being present to the life that you have RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW and when we embrace it all, that gives us a better chance to enjoy lifeπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Another tip given by psychology SMEs to us is to 'TAKE YOUR TIME'.  As the story of the tortoise and the hare goes. SLOW & STEADY wins the race.  By being in a hurry , we actually seem to thwart our own success.  We even end up getting ahead of ourselves.  And in the end, we are more prone to commit more mistakes than what is normal.  And I'm guilty if this [MANY TIMES in the past] wherein I tend to cut corners then I usually end up paying for it later.  We may learn the easy way but not necessarily the best way.  To quote an old adage: "THE SLOWER YOU GO, THE SOONER YOU GET THERE"✅✅✅

Now for the hard part.  Let us accept the fact that successes and failures are part of life's journey.  We're all learning and NO ONE gets it right every time.  Now, for our achilles heel, that's our tendency to NEGLECT what matters most, and that's our relationships with our loved ones.  BTW, such relationships DON'T happen magically but instead, they grow and get sustained through our attentive and consistent care.  And When That Weight Starts To Wear You Down, our relationships with our loved ones should NEVER be impacted❗❗❗

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