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Showing posts with label Consistency It Is. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consistency It Is. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Consistency It Is

Consistency It Is

Most of us [and that includes moi] have experienced NEGATIVITY in life and have gone through phases where we were CONSISTENT in doing only one thing and that is to PROCRASTINATE.  And if this is the present reality in your life, NOT to despair because you are NOT alone.  Difficult and dark as it may appear now, frankly that situation does NOT leave you at the farthest end of that super dark tunnel.  Truth is, light and hope are waiting just around the corner.   Consistency It IsπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Hearing and reading from all the researches, WHAT should we do then?  Experts assure us that all that it needs is a LITTLE CHANGE in one's approach.  In short, it's NOT a major overhaul.  Of course, we are so vulnerable to fall prey to that habit of PROCRASTINATION or getting DISTRACTED by trivial and unimportant affairs of daily chores in life.  BUT experts advise us that building a benchmark for CONSISTENCY is NOT rocket science.  It can be doneπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

And the biggest CHALLENGE all share to have been facing in life is HOW to take the first few steps towards being POSITIVE, STEADY and CONSISTENT in all life situations.  BUT rather than reinvent the wheel, let's piggy-back on WHAT the experts have shared: 

  • MAKE SURE YOU'RE NOT DREAMING - First things first, we DON'T want to be aiming for goals that are more DREAMS than REALITY
  • BREAK DOWN YOUR GOALS - To achieve your GOALS is akin to having a road trip to your favorite destination.  We need milestones to reassure us whether the path we're taking is the correct one
  • SPLIT YOUR GOALS - By segmenting your efforts and tasks, you are able to identify each of the ground-level tasks 
  • BE ORGANIZED & SYSTEMATIC - This is very basic.  Clear the clutter on your desk
  • REMIND YOURSELF WHY YOU STARTED - Keep your goals in sight.  Write them down and pin them to your desk
  • CONSTANTLY TALK TO YOUR PARTNER - This is so basic.  Your PARTNER is someone who is accountable to your well-being and encourages you to work towards your dreams.  BTW, your PARTNER could anyone be in your family, a trusted friend OR your confidant OR your bestie/bff
Our takeaway:  LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT.  There is NO such thing as a BIG BANG Theory.  That explains why that theory remains a theory because CONSISTENCY IT ISπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

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