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Showing posts with label Be the Best of the Best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be the Best of the Best. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2021

You Wanna Be One of the Majority ?

 You Wanna Be One of the Majority ?

You Wanna Be One of the Majority ?  Sure not ?  Don't get me wrong, not that bad to be part of a majority that's on the correct side, on the positive flank of things BUT here's the thing.  Did we realize that if we were one of those AVERAGE "B" players, there is always a higher probability that we will slide down and become a "C" player ?
I totally agree, nothing wrong if we're in the #2 spot which BTW is the 'AVERAGE' guy whereas the #1 is the 'ABOVE AVERAGE" dude while obviously, the #3 is that cellar dweller who can't escape to be tagged as the "BELOW AVERAGE" fellow.  So, after this realization, think about it, are we still VERY comfortable being an 'AVERAGE' player ?  To be honest, what and where is that 'SENSE of ACHIEVEMENT' and 'SENSE of FULFILLMENT' by being an 'AVERAGE' player ?  I don't think you can have that ACHIEVEMENT cum FULFILLMENT sense.

Frankly, tell me who ever told you straight in your eyes that you can't be the BEST of the BEST ?  C'mon, I won't bat my eyelash to tear down into pieces anyone who has the temerity to tell you that as no one else BUT you yourself can have that moral and logical fortitude to state whether you can be the BEST of the BEST.  You might tell me, I'm sorry I DONT have a college degree or I DONT have work experience or I DONT have a certification yet or I DONT think I can work in any other shift sched except 8am-5am.
Oh I luv it when you're transparent enough to tell me all your DONTs because by affirming your DONTs, it reconfirms that you now know your LIMITS.  And by knowing your LIMITS, you can now GO BEYOND your LIMITS.  That's all it takes.  You DONT have a college degree.  Do you want one ?  You DONT have work experience.  Do you want to get some work experience even as a trainee/OJT ?  You DONT want work shifts other than 8am-5pm but if the best options out in the job market is a mid-shift or a graveyard shift ?  And remember you need some $$$ at least for your basic needs, right ?
So, c'mon.  How not to be just one of those 'AVERAGE' dudes?  DON'T do things because others are doing it.  DON'T do something just because its the trend.  DON'T go in that same direction where everyone is going to.  DON'T present your project via PowerPoint just because everyone's using PPT.  And once you aim with a purpose, IF it doesn't sting a little bit, IF it doesn't make you a little bit uncomfortable, you won't probably get much out of it.  So, you should be uncomfortable with AVERAGE.  BTW, you DON'T get to choose how to start your life but you do get to choose what to do.✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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