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Showing posts with label The Tipping Point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Tipping Point. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2020

That Tipping Point

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πŸ”–Can you recall the times in the past when you were at the tipping point? Probably you were oblivious during those points. But you would have sorely missed out something substantial, something significant if in the past you were totally unaware you were in a tipping point. To be on the same page, let's define tipping point as that situation in life wherein you can either make or break, fly or fail and if it's about your health, it could have meant either your wellness or illness.

BTW, you can go through that tipping point at every facet in your daily life. It could be your relationship with your spouse, your relationship with your boss at work or it could be all about your health or if you're running your own business, it could be the state of health of your business where it will either weather the market forces or your business will skid down significantly.
Frankly, it could be those moments when you need to literally perform a 'balancing act' for you to either hit or miss out things. Those are moments when all it takes is one misstep and there you go, plunging into the deep blue sea. At your tipping point, there is simply NO ROOM FOR ERROR as all it takes is one miscalculation or misjudgment and there you'll go down the drain. Or you could be running your own business or you're selling your services. You can keep adjusting your pricing but only so much. If you go beyond bounds and price yourself way beyond the reach of your customer, you'll end up driving away your customers. So, there you go again, with your 'balancing act'.
Back to your relationship either with your spouse or your boss at work. Honestly, it is so dreadful to think your relationships either with your spouse or your boss at work will reach the tipping point because if does, it would tell us that by then, it's all 'water on the bridge'.

Suddenly, entropy in our life will kick in. That is the natural tendency of things to go haywire and lose order. That is when the inevitability in life kicks in.
Now, c'mon, you may be a Christian or not but at this point, I'd like to quote Moses that 'WAKE UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE'. And this aptly applies especially during this pandemic when some leaders and their cordon sanitaire are all singing HOSSANAH in the HIGHEST, assuring the population that we're all good, that the covid statistics show that we are in good shape and that we simply need to wait for December? To HELL, there's even no roadmap to recovery!πŸ“Œ

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