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Showing posts with label If You Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label If You Work. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

If You Work, Don't LIKE Your Job. LOVE Your Job!

If You Work, Don't LIKE Your Job.  LOVE Your Job!

If You Work, Don't LIKE Your Job.  LOVE Your Job!  NO sirrrrrrrs.  I am NOT advocating you to put your job ahead of your family responsibilities.  NOT at all.  I will be the last one to be egging you to relegate your families behind the back.  Instead, in the current talent revolution, there's this renewed talent revolution, there's renewed focus on jobs, WHETHER you're happy and loving WHAT you do📗📙📘

Frankly, if ever you are still part of the workforce, it just makes sense and worth enough to be giving intentional thought as to WHETHER you LOVE your work and WHETHER it's fulfilling.  It is, after all, a majority of WHERE you spend your time.  YES, there are proven ways to "FALL IN LOVE" with your job, OR even just like it a little more.  BUT it's also important to know there is simply NO perfect job💦💦💦

Analogous to human relationships, the dynamics in the workplace is NOT that different.  As in any relationship, to borrow legal jargon, there has to be a 'MEETING OF THE MINDS' up front.  In the shortest words possible, there has to be mutuality.  Both parties must feel and expect that such a relationship and interaction is beneficial💥💥💥

Surely, there are two sides of the coin.  There will always be things you love as well as things you dislike.  The best formula for loving your work is to find as much alignment as you can between WHAT you love to do and WHAT you must spend time on.   YES it is quite unlikely you'll ever find that 'PERFECT JOB'.  Sorry dude, that is a pipe dream no less.  BUT you can enjoy WHAT you do most of the time though.  And it will be unrealistic to expect you'll be happy every single day.  Definitely, you'll have those UPs and DOWNs, those EBBs and FLOWs.  BUT eventually, you can find fulfillment most of the time💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  Even, for the sake of argument, that your job is NOT that ideal, you can learn to love it.  I remember this lyrics in an old song, 'IF YOU CAN'T BE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE, LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH'.  And certainly, this can apply to your work circumstances.  So HOW?  LOVE your contribution.  NO matter WHAT you're doing, your work is a way you express your talents and make a contribution to your community.  Performing well s correlated with happiness, so embrace your own skills and be confident about WHAT you do well.  The job you have now may NOT be your endgame and you may wish for more BUT you can appreciate all that you have today!!!

Straight from my thought processes...


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