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Showing posts with label Really?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Really?. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



The idea of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is a noble one.  It's so ideal such that everyone is enamored to it.  We want to be LOVED as we are, and perhaps we'd like to see ourselves as capable of SELFLESS LOVE.  Unfortunately, loving UNCONDITIONALLY may set us up for huge disappointments and worse, sometimes shame WHEN our ideal DOESN'T seem to match the reality of HOW difficult or perhaps impossible, it is to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY.  Let's start with children WHO need to be LOVED without conditions.  And as they struggle through life, we need to be unendingly patient, probably taking many deep breaths and offering guidance repeatedly.  Embodying a consistently loving and accepting presence, we create that attachment. Really❓❓❓
BUT even if you may NOT agree, even experts all sing in chorus that LOVE is NEVER UNCONDITIONAL.  It always has a CONDITION.  More of like a GIVE and TAKE. If you expect a lot, you have to raise WHAT you offer.  And that makes any relationship a real success.  On the other hand, we would hear that only our parents are going to LOVE you UNCONDITIONALLYBUT of course you are NOT going to live with your parents only.  There are friends.  There are colleagues.  There is your future spouse.  So, keep and set your parents aside for this discussion💥💥💥
Frankly and truthfully, the rest are going to LOVE you ONLY IF you make a deal with them.  Let's have hypothetical examples here.  WOULD you ever want a fat partner/spouse WHO does nothing except lying down on the couch and watching NETFLIX all day, all night, day-IN, day-OUT?  While you grind to earn your bucks?  Obviously, nobody wants to be those kind of folks, right?  Everybody wants to have a partner WHO is good looking [or presentable], financially stable, and an achiever in life💧💧💧
Indeed, meaningful conditions make a relationship more meaningful.  And merit is all that you need to win in relationships.  BTW, loving DOESN'T mean always supplying WHAT another person wants, being tirelessly accepting and having NO needs of our own.  An immature view of LOVE saddles us with the obligation to satisfy every need, soothe every sorrow and comply with every request❌❌❌
Our takeaway:  No such thing as unconditional.  True, we can extend a helping hand to the poor and destitute probably on a one-off basis or a couple of times.  And the billionaire philanthropists?  Yes, they will done tons of monies because those donations will be TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.  Smart alecks, right?  All these tell us that life is a QUID PRO QUO, dude😌😌😌

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