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Showing posts with label indecisions. butterflies in the job market.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indecisions. butterflies in the job market.. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Be a Round Peg in a Round Hole

 Be a Round Peg in a Round Hole

🌀Numerous times in our lives, we [wrongly] thought that circumstances and situations need to fit into us, within what we can and what we are.  And that covers our whims.

That's our faux pas [and I have my own share of mea culpas here and there] because once we get so comfy within our comfort zone, we lose track that the sun does not shine forever, that the high seas will not be forever calm and serene.  As there will be peaks, there we will be valleys when we skid and nose dive,

Such is life.  Mountains remain stationary unlike the melting glaciers.  When we trek up and through the mountains, we need to figure out our way.  There will be roadblocks that seemingly look as show stoppers.  Either we patiently chip those roadblocks or we need to figure another route regardless if it becomes a longer trek.

In our life as workers, do we agree that at the time we were being grilled in the battery of interviews, every challenge we were asked, we ALWAYS responded in the affirmative?  YES I WILL.  YES I'M WILLING.  YES I ACCEPT.

Now, does this sound familiar?  In our workplace, there remains a small number who, to be fair, are too discerning to the extent that everything for them is rigidly defined and it's for their best interest.  How about the company's interest?  Yes it's in the priority list but it's hogging the cellar down there.  In this pandemic, we heard a zillion times about layoffs and retrenchments.  YET, we have heard of a minuscule number who have tendered their resignations.  Whew!  What an irony.

Why can't we be like the kids?  These innocent souls don't give a damn with what they can't.  Instead, they will exert their darn best to push themselves into anything that's at hand, be it oversized footwear or not.

Swing over to the 'mature ones' in the workplace.  You'd likely hear lots of subtle noisy in the background.  Is this a script when competence shows its ugly horn?  Mind boggling indeed.  How can some have that audacity  to go cute or brute when the chips are down?  Over at the golf course, this doesn't seem to be par for the course.

Call this an attitudinal thing but it's not.  Instead, this is reflective of one's persona, one's character.  You gotta take a pulse check, a reality check. And if one's going through the motions with a seemingly 'good faith' that is less than good, isn't it ripe for those misguided souls to rip off that BandAid strip as it's likely that strip is what alleviates your situation when you're lickin' some self-inflicted wounds.

At the end of the day, before you cross the bridge and hop-on to another job in the market, grasp yourself by your lapels and revisit your judgment call if it's really 'worth giving up the farm for just bread crumbs'?  

Just doesn't work that way, dude.😖

Straight from my thought processes...


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