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Showing posts with label Struggling With SELF-DOUBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Struggling With SELF-DOUBT. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2023

Still Struggling With SELF-DOUBT?

Still Struggling With SELF-DOUBT?

Still Struggling With SELF-DOUBT?  As the song of the late great singer Michael Jackson goes, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  There are many of us in that same boat [including myself in the past].  But that is NOT a LOST CAUSE for us to abandon and given up as there is still that 'light at the end of the tunnel' [and BTW, it is NOT an incoming train].  Challenge is, how do we figure things out to throw away out to the window that SELF-DOUBTπŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

Yes, everyone catches SELF-DOUBT from time to time.  And indeed, it can be a terrifying feeling when you catch it out of nowhere and wonder if you're good enough, smart enough or worthy enough to make positive progress in your life.  SELF-DOUBT cap sap your energy and make you feel as though you have nothing left to offer.  So, what is the way out if we are into this dilemma?  What is the best way to tackle this SELF-DOUBT❓❓❓

Truth is, the most common culprit is our tendency when we let the BAD outweigh the GOOD.  The amount of BAD stuff that you're thinking about is way more than the amount of good stuff that you're thinking about.  That's NOT to say that the BAD stuff doesn't exist because it does.  We all have problems and issues that we have to deal with on a daily basis.  But instead of focusing on the BAD, try to find the GOOD⏳⏳⏳

Find the little little things that you're doing well and that others are noticing.  Focus on those and let the bad stuff go.  And here's the fact. You got to believe in yourself and in your abilities.  Believe in what you can achieve because that belief will help you to overcome SELF-DOUBT and reach your full potential.  If you DON'T believe in yourself and what you have the potential to do, you're more likely to give up when the going gets toughπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

At the end of the day, despite the myriad of colors we have in life, realistically, life's colors is simply either BLACK or WHITE.  Either HOPE or HOPELESSNESS.  Either SELF-ESTEEM or SELF- DOUBT.  Either POSITIVITY or NEGATIVITY.  There's NOT much choice in life.  And the scary thing here is that if you DON'T do anything, you will lose by default because of SELF-DOUBTπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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