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Showing posts with label price for success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label price for success. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The [not so steep] Price for Success

                             The [not so steep] Price for Success

🈯Heard of 1-day millionaires?  Heard of those Lotto Jackpot winners?  How long and how far were they at the zenith of their lives?  Not too long, as narratives are spilled from anywhere, be it from the U.S., U.K. and over to New Zealand and even in a Southeast Asian country.

That parallelism is as relevant as well at the NBA.  For five years, the Golden State Warriors lorded it over the NBA till they started eating the dust last year.  And that dust-eating dilemma continues to haunt them in the upcoming 2021 Season.

What all these will tell us that with success comes a price which sometimes is steep and at times with long-standing ramifications.  It can come back to bite you especially when you 'ascended the mountain with historic velocity'.  You might fall off it just as quickly.  Proof?  We got a long list of those 'horror stories' and when they went on a 'free fall' from up high, it was a hard fall that gave them almost a zero-chance to recoup and recover whatever was lost lightning quick in a couple of years.
Bottom line, you must know 'where your bread has been buttered'.  And before lifting your finger, nothing is of most paramount importance than exercising due diligence prior to take each next step when and where you need to fork out and slice something from the whole pizza.  Before you know it, that pizza will start to crumble into pieces until all what will be left with you will be bread crumbs you can hardly survive even for the next day.

This chart says it all:  hard work, sacrifice, struggle[S], faith and patience are all bundled together.  That formula for sacrifice just can't be compromised.  You can't cut corners.  Can't take shortcuts because.... 'shortcuts will cut you short'.
To quote Nathan Morris, the noted American financial guru, 'the speed of your success is limited only by your dedication and what you're willing to sacrifice'.  Key word here is 'sacrifice' and there's the problem.  For some of us, just walking up to the next corner is a sacrifice.  Sweating it out for a day is a sacrifice.  Rendering overtime work for another three to six hours is a sacrifice.  Skipping lunch only once at work the past year [all because of work] is and was already a sacrifice.  
And if that's the way we are [mis]aligned when it comes to our personal sacrifices in our life, that becomes your 'albatross around your neck'.  It may not come out as a punishment [as you didn't commit something that warrants one] BUT that becomes your heavy and inescapable burden you need to carry on.  Not to be poetic, in Samuel Colridge's poem titled 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner', the narrator kills an albatross.  Indeed, it's tough to 'get a word in edgewise'.😇

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Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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