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Showing posts with label CHICKEN OUT'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHICKEN OUT'. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2023



It's neither a crime nor wrong for us to 'CHICKEN OUT' in life.  It should NOT even deserve to be NEWS at all because in life, we do 'CHICKEN OUT' BUT here's a big BUT.  It's fine to 'CHICKEN OUT' maybe once or twice in your lifetime BUT if you tend to 'CHICKEN OUT' every year or so, you have a bigger problem to resolve because that situation becomes chronic.  If the exception becomes the norm, if the outlier becomes the normal occurrence, then we need to arrest that skid to a 'CHICKEN OUT' mindsetπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
If you have been to those entertainment complexes hosting variations of the roller coaster, what if in the middle of the ride you wanted to 'CHICKEN OUT' but you WON'T leap from the top, right [unless push comes to shove]?  One problem with 'CHICKENING OUT' is that sometimes it can pretty publicly embarrassing [or frankly, humiliating].  But there is a bigger problem we'll face when we 'CHICKEN OUT'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
That bigger problem to 'CHICKEN OUT is that you will likely feel like you have missed a chance to surprise yourself [with that 'aborted feat'].  Whether you really wanted that roller coaster ride or NOT isn't really the point.  The point is to CHALLENGE yourself to do something you DON'T think you can do⏳⏳⏳
The point is we need to CHALLENGE ourself to do something you DON'T think you can do [and we are all likely to face either professional or personal moments where we must deal with this.  Especially at a time when you're likely to receive a challenge to pour a bucket of ice over your head.  So HOW can you overcome things holding you back, pushing you to 'CHICKEN OUT'?  Here are our FIXES for this dilemma✅✅✅
First off, REDUCE those easy choices [in life].  If you have to wait too long to have an experience, it is easy to 'CHICKEN OUT'?  So, reduce the time between making a decision to do something and the time when you actually do it.  The LESS TIME you have to change your mind, the better.  Secondly, find a BIGGER MOTIVATION.  Winning a personal battle is a nice MOTIVATION but it is much easier when you imagine a bigger MOTIVATION for doing something.  Lastly, FOCUS ON STARTING because most of the time, you can just start, then get on a roll and the rest comes much easier❗❗❗

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