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Showing posts with label showcasing democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label showcasing democracy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2020

How Every Vote is Sacrosanct

                                             How Every Vote is Sacrosanct

Who doesn't treasure DEMOCRACY?  I guess it's a minuscule of the population who have that venomous and vitriolic intent to dump democracy as they push their selfish agenda that is founded along the lines of authoritarianism and despotic rule.  Those manifesting that unfathomable abhorrence and aversion to the truest ideals of democracy are the evil intentioned politicos so focused to extend their control of the corridors of power, often times by perpetuating their control from within the same immediate family.  Heard of a non-politician lawyer who gets appointed in a political office?  And runs for election thereafter?  And when he reaches the term limits, he slides down to the backdrop while his spouse runs in the next election to circumvent the term limits of election laws?  And heard of the next member of the family runs in the subsequent election?  Till we hear of siblings rivalry all because of utter and wanton greed for power [and the unlimited largesse they may potentially reap in office]?

Whereas in America, in each election day, we could bear witness how every vote is deemed sacrosanct.  No one can tamper it.  No one can breach its integrity.  No one can flip it over and dump it, swapping it en masse with spurious and fabricated ballot.  Yesterday, when Americans went to the polls, there was a record turnout from the estimated one hundred million voters, a huge surprise when everyone else felt that this covid-19 pandemic will deter people from going out of their homes and exercise their right of suffrage.  But they turned out in huge numbers, another affirmative confirmation that America remains the vanguard of DEMOCRACY, the global policeman policing democracy.

Swinging over to the fragile Third World, it is guns, goons and gold lording it over.  Banner stories get splashed with cache of guns unearthed, millions of monies stashed and changing hands and what else is new, masked men armed to the teeth and roaming around playing real-life roles as LORDS of the RING.  Even politicos themselves are callously brandishing their high powered firearms with no slightest modicum of delicadeza.  To flip a comedy into a horror story, have you heard of the scion-politico of one of the world's most infamous and corrupted dictator who won't and can't accept an electoral defeat fair and square?
Whereas postal mail is literally dead in a third world country, in America, postal mail is very much alive and in yesterday's elections, a huge percentage of Americans wary of the risks of this Covid-19 pandemic opted to vote via postal mail.  Despite the tons and tons of newswires that abound in America, was there a report of mail pilferage?  Mail swap?  Counterfeit votes via postal mail?  Nil.  Nada. Zilch.  Now, the election results is hanging in the balance because the USPS [U.S. Postal Service] failed to deliver yet more than 300,000 votes cast via postal mail.  How swift is democracy in America?  A U.S. District Judge ordered the USPS to sweep mail processing facilities in response to instant lawsuits from the influentials like NAACP and Vote Forward advocates.
Whereas in a third world country where automated voting was introduced, it led to creative techniques of massive cheating [no thanks to the dynastic corrupt politicos of the hapless country].  Where it not for the option to vote via postal mail, the results of the U.S. presidential elections would have been officially completed within 24 hours, barring lawsuits here and there.  This truly reinforces America as the last bulwark of DEMOCRACY.  Regardless whether Trump or Biden prevails, we salute AMERICA for this latest democratic exercise showcased to us all.

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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