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Showing posts with label Breaking A Loop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking A Loop. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Breaking A Loop

Breaking A Loop

Per se, there is nothing wrong with LOOP BUT let's think about it.  WHAT IF after graduating from university, you finally landed a job as a clerk and you went through that daily routine between home and office.  WHAT IF you DIDN'T break that LOOP for years?  Obviously, you will remain in that clerical job through all those years.  This is WHERE Breaking A Loop makes sense!!!
The thing is, I'll be the very first one to admit that it's just damn hard to stop doing the same thing you've been doing anyways, simply because you've always done them.  True, ROUTINE is a powerful tool to reinforce habits, both longstanding and even the new ones.  And the more regularly you do something, the more likely you'll stick with that behavior even over time.  True, you probably want to maintain your positive traits, like having a glass of water WHEN you wake up, finishing up your lunch break with a short walk OR reading every night💦💦💦
Having said this, if you've got some habits you'd like to CHANGE, though, you might have realized breaking them ISN'T that quite as easy as you imagined.  Yes, that HABIT LOOP is a framework for thinking about the formation [and even destruction] of habits.  Experts claim that the HABIT LOOP has three components namely:  the CUE, the routine and the REWARD.  The CUE is a.k.a. REMINDER, the trigger that kicks off the habitual behavior.  The ROUTINE refers to the HABIT or repeated behavior while the REWARD refers to WHAT the behavior does for you💧💧💧
YES, here's the thing.  The bottom-line is that breaking the LOOP is really that tough, if NOT impossible.  HABITs often prove difficult to break since the process is usually much more complicated than simply quitting the behavior.  Maybe you'd love to stop picking up your phone every time there's a lull in your workflow BUT you probably WON'T have much success UNTIL you unpack the entire HABIT LOOP.  YES, CHANGE is possible BUT HOW?  Let me cull from experts' advice here and it starts by first identifying the ROUTINE you want to break.  BUT yes, identifying the ROUTINE is the easy part since the ROUTINE just refers to WHATEVER HABIT you want to break💥💥💥
Our takeaway:  To quote experts, HABITS generally develop WHEN specific actions yield rewards.  Then let's explore the TRIGGERS   Identifying the specific cues that prompt your routine is an essential step of breaking a habit.  And those cues could be either a location, time, emotional state, people around you OR the last action.  Finally, we got to figure out finding our way around those CUES and experts counsel us that some people may have more trouble breaking HABITS than others BUT we should take up that challenge of BREAKING A LOOP dude!!! 

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