We're NOT In the Business Of "NEXT TIME"!
In that Netflix movie "SNIPER: GHOST SHOOTER", a fellow soldier confronts his colleague WHO hesitated to take the shot needed: We're NOT In the Business Of "NEXT TIME"! That's HOW close it can get insofar as its relevance to our one-time life. Everything in our life is on a ONE-OFF basis. And WHO says that there is a second time around? NO SENOR. NADA MAS. NEVER buy that baloney of a second chance because this is HOW all our lives have been plotted to progress. Each one of us is given a one-time chance in practically any opportunity OR chance given at hand. WHEN hesitation creeps in [for WHATEVER reason like fear?], you will lose things by default and the worst part in losing is NOT by taking action at that very moment in time๐๐๐
To quote English Playwright Alan Bennett: SOMETIMES THERE IS NO NEXT TIME, NO TIME-OUTS, NO SECOND CHANCES. SOMETIMES IT'S NOW OR NEVER. Let's go back memory lane, back during our school days. Did our teacher/lecturer give us second chances after taking a major exams and flunking it? How was it WHEN you were grilled in those job interviews, was there a second chance? WHEN a troubled couple in a very troubled marriage finally, was there a pre-agreed second time around???
Same script did run in that Netflix SNIPER GHOST SHOOTER, they missed out killing the marked terrorist, all because the other sniper did NOT have that gumption to pull the trigger. And the implications were far-reaching because the whole covert project had to go back to the drawing board. That's the ramification WHEN we do have that opportunity BUT miss it out for WHATEVER reason. Serious ramifications we CAN'T ignore๐ง๐ง๐ง
Sadly, the reality is murkier than WHAT it seems to be. WHEN we discuss those 'NEXT TIME' chances in relationships, that terrain looks trickier. Choosing to accept someone back into your life after they offended OR harmed you is anything else but simple, no matter if it's a family member WHO has grown distant, a dissolved friendship OR an 'old flame' that HASN'T quite burned out completely. Questions starting in our face for relationships are:
Our takeaway: This life cycle we're in, WHETHER we're running damn slow OR speeding as fast as Japan's Shinkanzen trains, we just CAN'T afford to miss every single chance and opportunity every step of the way. WHEN hesitation creeps in, you're stalled. WHEN fear pulls you back, you're 'dead on the water' [by default]. WHEN you think you're NOT ready to take on that chance at that point in time [because you were NOT ready], WHEN will you be ready? WHAT guarantee do you have that next time around you are much readier than ready? If there are unresolved conflicts within families, and you think it will die a natural death over time, damn it, it WON'T because lingering NEGATIVITIES will hover and prevail even over time. In short, in this life gifted upon us, WE'RE NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF 'NEXT TIME', no sirrrrrrrrs❗❗❗