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Showing posts with label Why Complicate LIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why Complicate LIFE. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Why Complicate LIFE?

Why Complicate LIFE?

LIFE itself is already damn complicated BUT did we realize that from time to time. it is US who is guilty of worsening things? Why Complicate LIFE?  Well, we can say that life is a constant struggle NO matter how wealthy one is.  Suffering is the inevitable truth of life and we can only transcend this suffering by accepting it as an unremovable part of life.  It is perhaps the SIMPLICITY of LIFE which made it COMPLICATED in the first placeπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Guess we just COULDN'T comprehend HOW life came to be.  How did NOTHING become SOMETHING?  From the scale of the universe down to the scale of our lives, we always have been fascinated to know more.  It is within our nature to explore the UNKNOWN.  We spend so much time ripping this world apart in the search of answers to our old age questions.  BUT the more I think of it, the more I'm afraid I'll never be able to find the answers that countless others have soughtπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

I couldn't help BUT think as well about the COMPLEXITY of everything we meet on a daily basis.  It's a similar feeling WHEN an event happens to you which feels too good to be true, right?  Then, we kind of stop and think: 'IS THIS REALLY IT?'  AREN'T there any secret catches to it that we're NOT aware of?  On one side, technology did help us BUT on the other side, it complicated our lives⌛⌛⌛

Thousands of smartphones to pick from, endless websites whose purpose are to attract your attention, business gurus and motivational speakers giving you the best ways to make a seven-figure income.  So, our challenge today really boils down to one thing and that's SIMPLIFYING our lives.  BUT living a simple life DOESN'T necessarily mean you're a minimalist who lives atop the mountains❓❓❓

To live a SIMPLE LIFE is to accept LIFE as it is.  LIFE simply exists and there is nothing more to figure out about it.  It's a step which can allow you to go from collecting experiences to actually LIVING THEM.  At times, we tend to overreact and complicate our own LIVES.  We got that tendency to complicate everything can rise from a fear that's deeply rooted in our minds.  Dude, LIFE IS SIMPLE.  YOU LIVE ITπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

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