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Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Irony of Technology


The Irony of Technology

With all the buzz about technologies around us, there is this IRONY OF TECHNOLOGY. It's unavoidable when sometimes we do pause and reach for an explanation about this IRONY OF TECHNOLOGY.

Life used to be so simple and straightforward with technology's strides unheard of [even before we heard from the likes of the late revered Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, among others].

Fast forward to today, we got everything within our reach, literally within our fingertips but besides riding and enjoying that avalanche of technology, how far have we really improved our own lots. Did we realize that we suffered some hits, taking some steps backwards ?

Needless to nitpick, let’s take up our daily mornings where almost everyone of us would rely on our smart phones to wake us up and when it rings up, kaboom, we reach for it and MUTE it [and end up in another round of deep slumber].

Out there in the streets, how many of us have we had our voices heard insofar as public opinion is concerned ? My hats off to the rock solid constituencies of both the GOPs and Democrats in the U.S. mainland because they really take their stand and they don’t stop there. Instead, they will leverage on all possible platforms and communications channels to have their voices heard. Conservatives, middle-grounders and liberals, they all take a stand and let their voices heard !

Beyond the U.S. mainland, I am not sure we have heard much more voices out there in the wilderness. Yes, people are rowdy and noisy right in their households but when push comes to shove, will you hear them voice out their genuine concerns and protestations against the policies of the national government, the national leaders ? Unfortunately, this is where the MUTE technology creeps in, that eerie silence, that muzzled silence.

Even in the midst of this global pandemic, a hell lot of things are not happening as conventional wisdom dictates. It’s akin to us all riding in a train wreck and with that prevailing fear all over the ground, whoever is the voice in the wilderness may be ‘thrown under the bus’.

Sayeth not.

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